André Fuhrmann (fuhrmann-a)
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Fuhrmann, André. 1991a. “Theory Contraction Through Base Contraction.” The Journal of Philosophical Logic 20(2): 175–203.
Fuhrmann, André. 1991b. “On the Modal Logic of Theory Change.” in The Logic of Theory Change, edited by André Fuhrmann and Michael Morreau, pp. 259–281. Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence n. 465. Berlin: Springer.
Fuhrmann, André. 1997a. An Essay on Contraction. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Fuhrmann, André. 1997c. “Solid Belief.” in Logica ’96: Proceedings of the 10th International Symposium, edited by Timothy Childers, Petr Kolář, and Vladimı́r Svoboda, pp. 107–119. Praha: Filosofia. Nakladetelstvı́ Filosofického ústavu AV ČR.
Fuhrmann, André. 1997d. “Travels in Ontological Space.” in Analyomen 2. Volume I: Logic, Epistemology, Philosophy of Science, edited by Georg Meggle, pp. 68–77. Perspektiven der analytischen Philosophie / Perspectives in Analytic Philosophy n. 16. Berlin: de Gruyter.
Fuhrmann, André. 1999. “When Hyperpropositions Meet \(\ldots\).” The Journal of Philosophical Logic 28(6): 559–574.
Fuhrmann, André. 2001. “Das Mögliche und das Vorstellbare.” Logos: Zeitschrift für systematische Philosophie N.F. 7: 343–360.
Fuhrmann, André. 2002a. “Russell’s Way Out of the Paradox of Propositions.” History and Philosophy of Logic 23(3): 197–213.
Fuhrmann, André. 2002b. “Causal Exclusion without Explanatory Exclusion.” Manuscrito 25: 177–198.
Fuhrmann, André. 2003. “Some Remarks on Ultrafilter and Normality Logics.” Studia Logica: An International Journal for Symbolic Logic 75(2): 197–207.
Fuhrmann, André. 2006. “Is Pragmatist Truth Irrelevant to Inquiry?” in Knowledge and Inquiry. Essays on the Pragmatism of Isaac Levi, edited by Erik J. Olsson, pp. 32–49. Cambridge Studies in Probability, Induction, and Decision Theory. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Fuhrmann, André. 2011. “Theories of Belief Change.” in The Routledge Companion to Epistemology, edited by Sven Bernecker and Duncan Pritchard, pp. 621–638. Routledge Philosophy Companions. London: Routledge.
Fuhrmann, André. 2014. “Knowability as Potential Knowledge.” Synthese 191(7): 1627–1648.
Fuhrmann, André. 2018. “Extensions and Projections in Deontic Default Logic.” in The Logica Yearbook 2017, edited by Pavel Arazim and Tomáš Lávička, pp. 77–88. London: College Publications.
Fuhrmann, André and Hansson, Sven Ove. 1994. “A Survey of Multiple Contractions.” Journal of Logic, Language, and Information 3(1): 39–76.
Fuhrmann, André and Levi, Isaac. 1994. “Undercutting and the Ramsey Test for Conditionals.” Synthese 101: 157–169.
Fuhrmann, André and Levi, Isaac. 1999. “Undercutting the Ramsey Test for Conditionals.” in The Logic of Strategy, edited by Cristina Bicchieri, Richard C. Jeffrey, and Brian Skyrms, pp. 82–91. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Fuhrmann, André and Mendonça, Wilson. 2002. “Explanatory Exclusion and Causal Relevance.” Facta Philosophica 4: 287–300.
Fuhrmann, André and Morreau, Michael, eds. 1991. The Logic of Theory Change. Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence n. 465. Berlin: Springer.
Fuhrmann, André and Olsson, Erik J., eds. 2004. Pragmatisch denken. Epistemische Studien / Epistemic Studies n. 4. Heusenstamm b. Frankfurt: Ontos Verlag.
Further References
Keefe, Rosanna and Smith, Peter, eds. 1996. Vagueness: A Reader. Cambridge, Massachusetts: The MIT Press, doi:10.7551/mitpress/7064.001.0001.