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Barry C. Loewer (loewer)

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    Albert, David Z. and Loewer, Barry C. 1988. Interpreting the Many World Interpretation.” Synthese 77: 195–213.
    Albert, David Z. and Loewer, Barry C. 1989. Two No-Collapse Interpretations Fo Quantum Theory.” Noûs 23: 169–186.
    Albert, David Z. and Loewer, Barry C. 1990. Wanted Dead or Alive: Two Attempts to Solve Schrodinger’s Paradox.” in PSA 1990: Proceedings of the Biennial Meeting of the Philosophy of Science Association, Part I: Contributed Papers, edited by Arthur I. Fine, Micky Forbes, and Linda Wessels, pp. 277–285. East Lansing, Michigan: Philosophy of Science Association.
    Albert, David Z. and Loewer, Barry C. 1996. Tails of Schrödinger’s Cat.” in Perspectives on Quantum Reality: Non-Relativistic, Relativistic, and Field-Theoretic, pp. 81–92. The University of Western Ontario Series in Philosophy of Science n. 57. Dordrecht: Kluwer Academic Publishers.
    Belzer, Marvin and Loewer, Barry C. 1994. Hector Meets 3-D: A Diaphilosophical Epic.” in Philosophical Perspectives 8: Logic and Language, edited by James E. Tomberlin, pp. 389–414. Oxford: Blackwell Publishers.
    Belzer, Marvin and Loewer, Barry C. 1997. Deontic Logics of Defeasibility.” in Defeasible Deontic Logic, edited by Donald L. Nute, pp. 45–58. Synthese Library n. 263. Dordrecht: Kluwer Academic Publishers.
    Gillett, Carl and Loewer, Barry C., eds. 2001. Physicalism and its Discontents. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
    LePore, Ernest and Loewer, Barry C. 1987a. Mind Matters.” The Journal of Philosophy 84: 630–642. Reprinted in Warner and Szubka (1994, 261–275).
    LePore, Ernest and Loewer, Barry C. 1987b. Dual Aspect Semantics.” in New Directions in Semantics, volume 1, edited by Ernest LePore, pp. 83–112. New York: Academic Press. Reprinted in Silvers (1989, 161–188).
    LePore, Ernest and Loewer, Barry C. 1987c. Solipsistic Semantics.” in Midwest Studies in Philosophy 10: Studies in the Philosophy of Mind, edited by Peter A. French, Theodore E. Uehling Jr., and Howard K. Wettstein, pp. 595–614. Minneapolis, Minnesota: University of Minnesota Press.
    LePore, Ernest and Loewer, Barry C. 1988. A Putnam’s Progress.” in Midwest Studies in Philosophy 12: Realism and Antirealism, edited by Peter A. French, Theodore E. Uehling Jr., and Howard K. Wettstein, pp. 459–473. Minneapolis, Minnesota: University of Minnesota Press.
    LePore, Ernest and Loewer, Barry C. 1989a. You Can Say That Again.” in Midwest Studies in Philosophy 14: Contemporary Perspectives in the Philosophy of Language II, edited by Peter A. French, Theodore E. Uehling Jr., and Howard K. Wettstein, pp. 338–356. Notre Dame, Indiana: University of Notre Dame Press.
    LePore, Ernest and Loewer, Barry C. 1989b. What Davidson should Have Said.” Grazer Philosophische Studien 36: 65–78. “The Mind of Donald Davidson,” ed. by Johannes Brandl and Wolfgang L. Gombocz; reprinted in Villanueva (1990, 190–199).
    LePore, Ernest and Loewer, Barry C. 1989c. More on Making Mind Matter.” Philosophical Topics 17(1): 175–192.
    LePore, Ernest and Loewer, Barry C. 1989d. Absolute Truth Theories for Modal Languages as Theories of Interpretation.” Crı́tica: Revista Hispanoamericana de Filosofı́a 21(61): 43–73.
    LePore, Ernest and Loewer, Barry C. 1990. A Study in Comparative Semantics.” in Propositional Attitudes: The Role of Content in Logic, Language, and Mind, edited by Curtis Anthony Anderson and Joseph Owens, pp. 91–112. CSLI Lecture Notes n. 20. Stanford, California: CSLI Publications.
    LePore, Ernest and Loewer, Barry C. 1993. Reply to Critics.” Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 53: 673–682.
    LePore, Ernest and Loewer, Barry C. 1995. Quine and the Attitudes.” in On Quine – New Essays, edited by Paolo Leonardi and Marco Santambrogio, pp. 186–205. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
    LePore, Ernest and Loewer, Barry C., eds. 2011. Meaning, Mind & Matter. Oxford: Oxford University Press, doi:10.1093/acprof:oso/9780199580781.001.0001.
    Loewer, Barry C. 1976. Counterfactuals with Disjunctive Antecedents.” The Journal of Philosophy 73(16): 531–537.
    Loewer, Barry C. 1978a. Cotenability and Counterfactual Logics.” The Journal of Philosophical Logic 7(1): 99–115.
    Loewer, Barry C. 1978b. Leibniz and the Ontological Argument.” Philosophical Studies 34(1): 105–109.
    Loewer, Barry C. 1980. The Truth Pays.” Synthese 43: 369–379.
    Loewer, Barry C. 1981a. Descartes’ Skeptical and Antiskeptical Arguments.” Philosophical Studies 39(2): 163–182.
    Loewer, Barry C. 1981b. Translational Semantics.” Synthese 48: 121–134.
    Loewer, Barry C. 1982. The role of ‘Conceptual role semantics’ .” Notre Dame Journal of Formal Logic 23: 305–315.
    Loewer, Barry C. 1987. From Information to Intentionality.” Synthese 70(2): 287–317.
    Loewer, Barry C. 1993. The Value of Truth.” in Philosophical Issues 4: Naturalism and Normativity, edited by Enrique Villanueva, pp. 265–280. Atascadero, California: Ridgeview Publishing Co.
    Loewer, Barry C. 1995. An Argument for Strong Supervenience.” in Supervenience: New Essays, edited by Elias E. Savellos and Ümit D. Yalçin, pp. 218–225. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
    Loewer, Barry C. 1996a. Humean Supervenience.” Philosophical Topics 24(1): 101–128, doi:10.5840/philtopics199624112.
    Loewer, Barry C. 1996b. Freedom from Physics: Quantum Mechanics and the Free Will.” Philosophical Topics 24(2): 91–112.
    Loewer, Barry C. 1997. A Guide to Naturalizing Semantics.” in A Companion to the Philosophy of Language, edited by Bob Hale and Crispin Wright, pp. 108–126. Blackwell Companions to Philosophy. Oxford: Blackwell Publishers. Reprinted in Hale, Wright and Miller (2017, 174–190).
    Loewer, Barry C. 1998. Copenhagen Versus Bohmian Interpretations of Quantum Theory.” The British Journal for the Philosophy of Science 49(2): 317–328.
    Loewer, Barry C. 2001a. From Physics to Physicalism.” in Physicalism and its Discontents, edited by Carl Gillett and Barry C. Loewer, pp. 37–56. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
    Loewer, Barry C. 2001b. Determinism and Chance.” Studies in History and Philosophy of Science. Part B: Studies in History and Philosophy of Modern Physics 32(4): 609–620.
    Loewer, Barry C. 2001c. Review of Kim (1998).” The Journal of Philosophy 98(6): 315–329.
    Loewer, Barry C. 2002. Comments on Kim (1998).” Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 65(3): 655–662.
    Loewer, Barry C. 2003. Consciousness and Quantum Theory: Strange Bedfellows.” in Consciousness: New Philosophical Perspectives, edited by Aleksandar Jokić and Quentin Smith, pp. 507–524. Oxford: Oxford University Press, doi:10.1093/oso/9780199241286.001.0001.
    Loewer, Barry C. 2004. David Lewis’ Humean Theory of Objective Chance.” Philosophy of Science 71(5): 1115–1125.
    Loewer, Barry C. 2005a. On Field (2001) – Comment.” Philosophical Studies 124(1): 59–70.
    Loewer, Barry C. 2005b. Content, Mental.” in The Encyclopedia of Philosophy, edited by Donald M. Borchert, 2nd ed. Basingstoke, Hampshire: Palgrave Macmillan.
    Loewer, Barry C. 2005c. Philosophy of Physics.” in The Encyclopedia of Philosophy, edited by Donald M. Borchert, 2nd ed. Basingstoke, Hampshire: Palgrave Macmillan.
    Loewer, Barry C. 2007a. Mental Causation, or Something Near Enough.” in Contemporary Debates in Philosophy of Mind, edited by Brian P. McLaughlin and Jonathan Cohen, pp. 243–264. Contemporary Debates in Philosophy n. 8. Oxford: Blackwell Publishers. second edition: McLaughlin and Cohen (2023), doi:10.1002/9781394259847.ch14.
    Loewer, Barry C. 2007b. Counterfactuals and the Second Law.” in Causation, Physics and the Constitution of Reality: Russell’s Republic Revisited, edited by Huw Price and Richard Corry, pp. 293–326. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
    Loewer, Barry C. 2007c. Laws and Natural Properties.” Philosophical Topics 35(1–2): 313–328.
    Loewer, Barry C. 2008a. Why There Is Anything Except Physics. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
    Loewer, Barry C. 2008b. Determinism.” in The Routledge Companion to Philosophy of Science, edited by Stathis Psillos and Martin Curd, pp. 327–336. Routledge Philosophy Companions. London: Routledge.
    Loewer, Barry C. 2008c. Why There Is Anything Except Physics.” in Being Reduced. New Essays on Reduction, Explanation, and Causation, edited by Jakob Hohwy and Jesper Kallestrup, pp. 149–163. Oxford: Oxford University Press, doi:10.1093/acprof:oso/9780199211531.001.0001.
    Loewer, Barry C. 2009. Why is there Anything Except Physics? Synthese 170(2): 217–233.
    Loewer, Barry C. 2011. Counterfactuals all the way down? [comments on Lange (2009)].” Metascience 20(1): 34–39.
    Loewer, Barry C. 2012. Two Accounts of Laws and Time.” Philosophical Studies 160(1): 115–137, doi:10.1007/s11098-012-9911-x.
    Loewer, Barry C. 2014. Philosophy of Physics.” in The Bloomsbury Companion to Analytic Philosophy, edited by Barry Dainton and Howard Robinson, pp. 285–311. Bloomsbury Companions. London: Bloomsbury Academic.
    Loewer, Barry C. 2015. Mental Causation: the Free Lunch.” in Qualia and Mental Causation in a Physical World. Themes from the Philosophy of Jaegwon Kim, edited by Terence E. Horgan, Marcelo Sabatés, and David Sosa, pp. 40–63. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, doi:10.1017/cbo9781139939539.
    Loewer, Barry C. and Belzer, Marvin. 1983. Dyadic Deontic Detachment.” Synthese 54: 295–318.
    Loewer, Barry C. and Belzer, Marvin. 1991. Prima Facie Obligation: Its Deconstruction and Reconstruction.” in John Searle and His Critics, edited by Ernest LePore and Robert van Gulick, pp. 359–370. Philosophers and Their Critics. Oxford: Blackwell Publishers.
    Loewer, Barry C. and Belzer, Marvin. 1993. Absolute Obligations and Ordered Worlds.” Philosophical Studies 72: 47–70.
    Loewer, Barry C. and Godbey, John W., Jr. 1978. Representational Symbol Systems.” Semiotica 23(3–4): 335.
    Loewer, Barry C. and Laddaga, Robert. 1985. Destroying the Consensus.” Synthese 62: 79–96.
    Loewer, Barry C., Laddaga, Robert and Rosenkrantz, Roger D. 1978. On the Likelihood Principle and a Supposed Antinomy.” in PSA 1978: Proceedings of the Biennial Meeting of the Philosophy of Science Association, Part I: Contributed Papers, edited by Peter D. Asquith and Ian Hacking, pp. 279–286. East Lansing, Michigan: Philosophy of Science Association.
    Loewer, Barry C. and Rey, Georges, eds. 1991a. Meaning in Mind: Fodor and His Critics. Philosophers and Their Critics. Oxford: Blackwell Publishers.
    Loewer, Barry C. and Rey, Georges. 1991b. Editors’ Introduction.” in Meaning in Mind: Fodor and His Critics, edited by Barry C. Loewer and Georges Rey, pp. xi–. Philosophers and Their Critics. Oxford: Blackwell Publishers.
    Loewer, Barry C. and Schaffer, Jonathan, eds. 2015. A Companion to David Lewis. Blackwell Companions to Philosophy. Hoboken, New Jersey: John Wiley; Sons, Inc., doi:10.1002/9781118398593.

Further References

    Field, Hartry. 2001. Truth and the Absence of Facts. Oxford: Oxford University Press, doi:10.1093/0199242895.001.0001.
    Hale, Bob and Wright, Crispin, eds. 1997. A Companion to the Philosophy of Language. Blackwell Companions to Philosophy. Oxford: Blackwell Publishers. Second edition: Hale, Wright and Miller (2017).
    Hale, Bob, Wright, Crispin and Miller, Alexander, eds. 2017. A Companion to the Philosophy of Language. 2nd ed. Blackwell Companions to Philosophy. Chichester: Wiley-Blackwell. First edition: Hale and Wright (1997), doi:10.1002/9781118972090.
    Kim, Jaegwon. 1998. Mind in a Physical World: An Essay on the Mind-Body Problem and Mental Causation. Cambridge, Massachusetts: The MIT Press.
    Lange, Marc. 2009. Laws and Lawmakers. Science, Metaphysics, and the Laws of Nature. Oxford: Oxford University Press, doi:10.1093/acprof:oso/9780195328134.001.0001.
    Silvers, Stuart, ed. 1989. Rerepresentation: Readings in the Philosophy of Language. Philosophical Studies Series n. 40. Dordrecht: D. Reidel Publishing Co.
    Villanueva, Enrique, ed. 1990. Information, Semantics, and Epistemology. Oxford: Blackwell Publishers.
    Warner, Richard and Szubka, Tadeusz, eds. 1994. The Mind-Body Problem. A Guide to the Current Debate. Oxford: Blackwell Publishers.