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Ullin Thomas Place (place)

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    Armstrong, David M., Martin, Charles Burton and Place, Ullin Thomas. 1992. A Debate on Dispositions, Their Nature and Their Role in Causation – Part II – The Martin-Armstrong-Place Debate.” Conceptus: Zeitschrift für Philosophie 26(67–68): 3–58.
    Armstrong, David M., Martin, Charles Burton and Place, Ullin Thomas. 1996. Dispositions – a Debate. London: Routledge. Edited and with an introduction by Tim Crane.
    Armstrong, David M. and Place, Ullin Thomas. 1991. A Debate on Dispositions, Their Nature and Their Role in Causation – Part I – The Armstrong-Place Debate.” Conceptus: Zeitschrift für Philosophie 25(66): 3–44.
    Place, Ullin Thomas. 1954. The Concept of Heed.” The British Journal of Psychology 45: 243–255. Reprinted in Place (2004, 30–44).
    Place, Ullin Thomas. 1956. Is Consciousness a Brain-Process? The British Journal of Psychology 47: 44–60. Reprinted in Place (2004, 45–52), doi:10.1111/j.2044-8295.1956.tb00560.x.
    Place, Ullin Thomas. 1960. Materialism as a Scientific Hypothesis.” The Philosophical Review 69: 101–104. Reprinted in Place (2004, 53–55).
    Place, Ullin Thomas. 1966. Consciousness and Perception in Psychology.” Proceedings of the Aristotelian Society, Supplementary Volume 40: 101–124. Reprinted in Place (2004, 56–62).
    Place, Ullin Thomas. 1971. The Infallibility of Our Knowledge of Our Own Beliefs.” Analysis 31: 197–204. Reprinted in Place (2004, 63–69).
    Place, Ullin Thomas. 1972. Sensations and Processes: A Reply to Munsat (1969).” Mind 81(321): 106–112.
    Place, Ullin Thomas. 1988. Thirty Years on – Is Consciousness Still a Brain Process? Australasian Journal of Philosophy 66: 208–219. Reprinted in Place (2004, 70–80).
    Place, Ullin Thomas. 1989a. Thirty Five Years On – Is Consciousness Still a Brain Process? Grazer Philosophische Studien 36: 19–31. “The Mind of Donald Davidson,” ed. by Johannes Brandl and Wolfgang L. Gombocz.
    Place, Ullin Thomas. 1989b. Toward a Connectionist Version of the Causal Theory of Reference.” Acta Analytica 3(5): 71–97.
    Place, Ullin Thomas. 1989c. Low Claim Assertions.” in Cause, Mind, and Reality: Essays Honoring C.B. Martin, edited by John Heil, pp. 121–136. Philosophical Studies Series n. 47. Dordrecht: D. Reidel Publishing Co.
    Place, Ullin Thomas. 1990. Intensionalism, Connectionism and the Picture Theory of Meaning.” Acta Analytica 5(6).
    Place, Ullin Thomas. 1991. On the Social Relativity of Truth and the Analytic/Synthetic Distinction.” Human Studies 14: 265–285. Reprinted in Place (2004, 138–154).
    Place, Ullin Thomas. 1992a. Eliminative Connectionism: Its Implications for a Return to an Empiricist/Behaviorist Linguistics.” Behavior and Philosophy 20: 21–35.
    Place, Ullin Thomas. 1992b. Two Concepts of Consciousness: The Biological/Private and the Linguistic/Social.” Acta Analytica 7(8): 53–72.
    Place, Ullin Thomas. 1992c. The Role of the Ethnomethodological Experiment in the Empirical Investigation of Social Norms and Its Application to Conceptual Analysis.” Philosophy of the Social Sciences 22: 461–474. Reprinted in Place (2004, 155–164).
    Place, Ullin Thomas. 1993a. A Radical Behaviorist Methodology for the Empirical Investigation of Private Events.” Behavior and Philosophy 20: 25–35.
    Place, Ullin Thomas. 1993b. Holism and Cognitive Dissonance in the Discrimination of Correspondence between Sentences and Situations.” Acta Analytica 8(10).
    Place, Ullin Thomas. 1994. Connectionism and the Resurrection of Behaviourism.” Acta Analytica 9(12).
    Place, Ullin Thomas. 1995. Metaphysics as the Empirical Study of the Interface between Language and Reality.” Acta Analytica 10(15).
    Place, Ullin Thomas. 1996a. Intentionality as the Mark of the Dispositional.” Dialectica 50(2): 91–120.
    Place, Ullin Thomas. 1996b. Folk Psychology from the Standpoint of Conceptual Analysis.” in The Philosophy of Psychology, edited by William O’Donahue and Richard F. Kitchener, pp. 126–140. Thousand Oaks, California: Sage Publications. Reprinted as “Linguistic Behaviorism as a Philosophy of Empirical Science” in Place (2004, 165–184).
    Place, Ullin Thomas. 1996c. Linguistic Behaviorism as a Philosophy of Empirical Science.” in The Philosophy of Psychology, edited by William O’Donahue and Richard F. Kitchener, pp. 126–140. Thousand Oaks, California: Sage Publications.
    Place, Ullin Thomas. 1996d. Folk Psychology from the Standpoint of Conceptual Analysis.” in The Philosophy of Psychology, edited by William O’Donahue and Richard F. Kitchener, pp. 264–269. Thousand Oaks, California: Sage Publications.
    Place, Ullin Thomas. 1997a. On the Nature of Conditionals and Their Truthmakers.” Acta Analytica 12(18).
    Place, Ullin Thomas. 1997b. De re Modality without Possible Worlds.” Acta Analytica 12(19): 129–143.
    Place, Ullin Thomas. 1999a. Token- versus Type-Identity Physicalism.” Anthropology and Philosophy 3: 21–31. Reprinted in Place (2004, 81–89).
    Place, Ullin Thomas. 1999b. Intentionality and the Physical: A Reply to Mumford (1999).” The Philosophical Quarterly 40(195): 225–231.
    Place, Ullin Thomas. 1999c. Connectionism and the Problem of Consciousness [on Horgan and Tienson (1996)].” Acta Analytica 13(22).
    Place, Ullin Thomas. 1999d. Vagueness as a Mark of Dispositinal Intentionality.” Acta Analytica 13(22).
    Place, Ullin Thomas. 2000a. The Two-Factor Theory of the Mind-Brain Relation.” Brain and Mind 1(1): 29–43. Reprinted in Place (2004, 90–103).
    Place, Ullin Thomas. 2000b. Consciousness and the Zombie Within: A Functional Analysis of the Blindsight Evidence.” in Beyond Dissociation: Interaction between Dissociated Implicit and Explicit Processing, edited by Yves Rossetti and Antti Revonsuo, pp. 295–329. Advances in Consciousness Research n. 22. Amsterdam: John Benjamins Publishing Co. Reprinted in Place (2004, 113–137).
    Place, Ullin Thomas. 2000c. The Causal Potency of Qualia: Its Nature and Its Source.” Brain and Mind 1: 183–192. Reprinted in Place (2004, 104–112).
    Place, Ullin Thomas. 2002. From Mystical Experience to Biological Consciousness: A Pilgrim’s Progress? Journal of Consciousness Studies 9(3): 34–52. With an editorial introduction and footnotes by Anthony Freeman; reprinted in Place (2004, 14–29).
    Place, Ullin Thomas. 2004. Identifying the Mind. Selected Papers. Philosophy of Mind Series. Oxford: Oxford University Press. Edited by George Graham and Elizabeth R. Valentine, doi:10.1093/oso/9780195161373.001.0001.

Further References

    Horgan, Terence E. and Tienson, John L. 1996. Connectionism and the Philosophy of Psychology. Cambridge, Massachusetts: The MIT Press.
    Mumford, Stephen. 1999. Intentionality and the Physical: A New Theory of Disposition Ascription.” The Philosophical Quarterly 49(195): 215–225.
    Munsat, Stanley. 1969. Could Sensations Be Processes? Mind 78(310): 247–251.