June 2024 Newsletter

Dear << Test Vorname / prénom >> << Test Nachname / nom >>

After many months of waiting (the last newsletter was in October 2023), we're back!

Responsible for this long wait are the various technical problems linked to the maintenance of the portal, which we tackled and resolved in January and February. 

In the meantime, our team has undergone a few changes. You can find the composition of our new team here.
We are very happy that we now have a portal content manager who speaks Italian and a real IT engineer, in the persons of Valentina Luporini and Luis Bordo respectively. 

Philosophie.ch has also moved to the Gurzelen site in Biel, a former football stadium that is now run by various associations organising socio-cultural events.

A Philosophical Portal in Four Languages!

As far as the configuration of Philosophie.ch is concerned, the portal is now quadrilingual. We have introduced a multilingual section where you will find articles, contributions and information on events in different languages. The other sections in German, English, French and Italian have also been maintained, and you will find information pages in the respective languages. Articles, events and the information pages about universities, societies, associations and the like are in the multilingual tree, also available through the sitemaps in the top-level menu. 


Testimonials and publications: we need your help!

Here are a few things we could really use your help with. We're collecting lots of testimonials about the experience of studying philosophy at Swiss universities, in French, German and Italian. So don't hesitate to send us yours! We also publish students' bachelor's and master's theses and dissertations in order to make the material produced during their university years accessible and to protect it from plagiarism. If you have any material you would like to submit, please do not hesitate to contact us! The same goes for your drafts, handouts or project outlines which we are happy to include in our archive, the "Swiss Philosophical Preprint Series"

Research in Switzerland 

We provide information on the research of philosophy departments and current research projects and are very much interested in the recent history of philosophy in Switzerland. If you have any information to share with us, in particular about the institutional history of Swiss philosophy departments and about the Swiss philosophical diaspora all over the world, please don't hesitate to help us!

Bibliography and open access

Much of our work in March and April was devoted to updating and curating our bibliography of over 200,000 entries that we use for articles of Dialectica and for the portal. In line with our interest in open-access. the first fruits of our work can be seen on these two pages: Philosophic Exchange and Philosophers' Imprint.


Here is an overview of our brochures, with particular reference to our project on refugees' stories.  For the 2023 brochure, our contributor Simone Olivadoti collected and summarised the fruits of our research project 'Fluchtgeschichten'.


New contributions and course offerings

We have also published more articles by well-known philosophers, including "The Social Destiny of Reason in the 'Absolute Pragmatism' of Josiah Royce Interpreter of Hegel" by Riccardo Roni and "Doit-on tuer ses éléves?" by Corentin Tresnie. We are also offering two new courses on feminism and the philosophy of science, for the moment only in German.

Features and Projects

La Philo en vrac

Here is our central project at the Gurzelen grounds: Philosophie en vrac. We propose to link philosophy to art and philosophical discussion through the creation of a Café philo and some events dedicated to philosophy and music. In particular, this involves reading philosophical texts to spontaneously created music. The artist involved in the musical part is our collaborator ValentinaLuporini.

Philosophy and Literature

We would also like to inform you of our ongoing projects. In particular, a project on philosophy and literature. This consists of 14 discussions between a person with interests in literature and a person with interests in philosophy. In this way, philosophy and literature can resume their interrupted dialogue.

Philosophy and Theatre

This is a project bridging philosophy and theatre,Philosophers across time, developed by our contributor Valentina Luporini together with the Geneva-based theatre company Collectif Humagine !. The format is simple: the audience chooses two philosophers who have never met and the actors stage an impossible debate. The performance is followed by a discussion on the topics discussed.

Calls and Announcements

Upcoming events

Finally, we are pleased to inform you that our events calendar is up and running again. Among the events and deadlines we would like to keep you informed about are: our General Assembly at the Gurzelen, which will take place tomorrow, on Saturday 29 June at 10.30 am; the application for three USI student prizes, for which the deadline is 16.09.2024; the workshop with Gideon Rosenorganised by CUSO, which will take place from 5 to 8 August; and the Aristotelicum Symposium at the Hardt Foundation, which will take place from 22 to 28 July in Geneva.