First Steps in 2019
The first steps in the planning process of a large, national philosophy festival were undertaking in 2019. The idea, originally, was to organise a large number of events under the common topic "taboo":

Preparation Meetings in 2020
On the basis of a concept paper (deutsch, französisch, italienisch) , the planning began in earnest in 2020, with three meetings:
- Networking Meeting May 16, 2020 (PDF of the running order) Among the participants were Anja Leser, Ilaria Fornacciari, Emilie Bretton, Urs Siegfried (Zürcher Philosophie Festival), Michel Schibler (Basler Philosophietage), Jonas Pfister (VSPM), Michael Hofer (Lange Nacht der Philosophie), Detlef Staude (für, Arthur Schwaninger, Willi Fillinger (ZIPPRA), Guenda Bernegger (SPG), Ruth Wiederkehr (Philothik).
- Review of the Networking Meeting June, 2020 . Among the participants: Anja Leser, Emilie Bretton David André (Société vaudoise), Joshua Babic (UniGE), Wissam Balays und Cédric Pillet (Société valaisanne), Santiago Basurto (Orphi), Oriana Brücker (philopraxis), Markus Christen (journées philosophiques de Bienne), Catherine Christodoulidis et Eva Rittmeyer (prophilo), Philip Clark, Gabriel Dorthe (Projet Socrate), Michael Groneberg (UniL), Alexandre Herriger (eduphilo).
- Invitation for August 30, 2020 (english, italian, french)
- Networking meeting minutes : August 30, 2020. Among the participants: Stephanie Deig (SW*IP), Stefano Franceschini, Martin Götz (VHSZH), Imre Hofmann (Elenchos), Silvio Joller (Il colore dei margini – flosofa in movimento), Isabelle Kaeslin (UniFr), Cyril Mamin (UniLu), Sebastian Muders (UniZh), Carla Peri (Ratio), Detlef Staude (Philocom), Maria-Julia Stonborough Eisinger (prophilo), Nadine Tobler (PhiloThik) und Christian Wüthrich (UniGe).

Change of Topic, Pandemic postponement 2021
The result of these meetings was a "Konzept zur „Woche der Philosophie 2021“" ("Settimana della filosofia 2021", "Semaine de la philosophie 2021") which was put to an electronic vote.
At the official Launch Meeting on March 28, 2021 (minutes), it was decided that the topic should be "Was wollen wir wissen? Que voulons-nous savoir? Cosa vogliamo sapere?" and that the festival should be held from the 6th to the 15th of May 2022.
Among the participants were: Martin Götz, Illaria Fornacchiari, Wissam Balays und Emilie Bretton auch Guenda Bernegger (SPG), Markus Christen (Bieler Philosophietage), Gregorio Demarchi, Rolphe Fehlmann (Bieler Philosophietage), Anna Garoflid (PhilEAs), Paolo Gigli (USI), Caroline Guerlet (Bieler Philosophietage), Christoph Haffter (UniFr), MIchael Hofer (Treffpunkt Philosophie), Silvio Joller (Il colore dei margini – filosofia in movimento), Timo Junger (Fachschaft Universität Bern), Csongor Kozma (Paulus Akademie), Cyril Mamin (UniLu), Annemarie Regez (Volkshochschule Schwyz), Detlef Staude (, Arianna Sforzini (UniFr) und Nadine Tobler (PhiloThik Baden).