Kent Bach (bach-k)
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Bach, Kent. 1968. “A Criterion for Toothache?” Philosophical Studies 19(4): 49–55.
Bach, Kent. 1975. “Performatives are Statements Too.” Philosophical Studies 28: 229–236.
Bach, Kent. 1978. “A Representationalist Theory of Action.” Philosophical Studies 34: 361–379.
Bach, Kent. 1979. “Meaning, Speech Acts, and Communication.” in Basic Topics in the Philosophy of Language, edited by Robert M. Harnish, pp. 3–21. Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey: Prentice-Hall, Inc.
Bach, Kent. 1980. “Actions Are Not Events.” Mind 89: 114–120.
Bach, Kent. 1981a. “What’s in a Name.” Australasian Journal of Philosophy 59(4): 371–386.
Bach, Kent. 1981b. “Referential / Attributive.” Synthese 49: 219–244.
Bach, Kent. 1982a. “De re Belief and Methodological Solipsism.” in Thought and Object – Essays on Intentionality, edited by Andrew Woodfield, pp. 121–151. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Bach, Kent. 1982b. “Semantic Nonspecificity and Mixed Quantifiers.” Linguistics and Philosophy 4(4): 593–605.
Bach, Kent. 1984. “Default Reasoning: Jumping to Conclusions and Knowing When to Think Twice.” Pacific Philosophical Quarterly 65: 37–58.
Bach, Kent. 1985a. “A Rationale for Reliabilism.” The Monist 68: 246–263.
Bach, Kent. 1985b. “Failed Reference and Feigned Reference: Much Ado About Nothing.” Grazer Philosophische Studien 25–26: 359–374. “Non-Existence and Predication,” ed. by Rudolf Haller.
Bach, Kent. 1986. “Thought and Object: De re Representations and Relations.” in The Representation of Knowledge and Belief, edited by Myles Brand and Robert M. Harnish, pp. 187–218. Tucson, Arizona: University of Arizona Press.
Bach, Kent. 1987a. Thought and Reference. Oxford: Oxford University Press, doi:10.1093/acprof:oso/9780198240778.001.0001.
Bach, Kent. 1987b. “Newcomb’s Problem: The 100000$ Solution.” Canadian Journal of Philosophy 17: 409–426.
Bach, Kent. 1987c. “On Communicative Intentions.” Mind and Language 2: 141–154.
Bach, Kent. 1990. “Communicative Intentions, Plan Recognition, and Pragmatics: Comments on Thomason (1990) and on Litman and Allen (1990).” in Intentions in Communication, edited by Philip R. Cohen, Jerry L. Morgan, and Martha E. Pollack, pp. 389–400. Cambridge, Massachusetts: The MIT Press.
Bach, Kent. 1994a. “Conversational Implicitures.” Mind and Language 9(2): 124–162.
Bach, Kent. 1994b. “Semantic Slack: What is Said and More.” in Foundations of Speech Act Theory: Philosophical and Linguistic Perspectives, edited by Savas L. Tsohatzidis, pp. 267–291. London: Routledge & Kegan Paul.
Bach, Kent. 1994c. “Emotional Disorder and Attention.” in Philosophical Psychopathology, edited by George Graham and G. Lynn Stephens, pp. 51–72. Cambridge, Massachusetts: The MIT Press.
Bach, Kent. 1995a. “Standardization vs. Conventionalization.” Linguistics and Philosophy 18(6): 677–686.
Bach, Kent. 1995b. “Picoeconomics.” Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 55(4): 981–983.
Bach, Kent. 1995c. “Terms of Agreement.” Ethics 105(3): 604–612.
Bach, Kent. 1997. “Do Belief Reports Report Beliefs?” Pacific Philosophical Quarterly 78: 215–241. Reprinted in Jaszczolt (2000, 111–136).
Bach, Kent. 1998. “(Apparent) Paradoxes of Self-Deception and Decision.” in Self-Deception and Paradoxes of Rationality, edited by Jean-Pierre Dupuy, pp. 163–189. Stanford, California: CSLI Publications.
Bach, Kent. 1999a. “The Myth of Conventional Implicature.” Linguistics and Philosophy 22(4): 327–366.
Bach, Kent. 1999b. “The Semantics-Pragmatics Distinction: What It is and Why it Matters.” in The Semantic/Pragmatics Interface from Different Points of View, edited by Ken Turner, pp. 65–84. Current Research in the Semantics / Pragmatics Interface n. 1. Amsterdam: Elsevier Science Publishers B.V.
Bach, Kent. 2000a. “Quantification, Qualification and Context: A Reply to Stanley and Szabó (2000).” Mind and Language 15(2-3): 262–283.
Bach, Kent. 2000b. “Review of Fodor (1998).” The Philosophical Review 109(4): 627–632.
Bach, Kent. 2000c. “A Puzzle About Belief Reports.” in The Pragmatics of Propositional Attitude Reports, edited by Katarzyna [Kasia] M. Jaszczolt, pp. 99–110. Current Research in the Semantics/Pragmatics Interface n. 4. Amsterdam: Elsevier Science Publishers B.V.
Bach, Kent. 2001a. “Speaking Loosely: Sentence Nonliterality.” in Midwest Studies in Philosophy 25: Figurative Language, edited by Peter A. French and Howard K. Wettstein, pp. 249–263. Boston, Massachusetts: Blackwell Publishers.
Bach, Kent. 2001b. “You Don’t Say.” Synthese 128(5): 15–44.
Bach, Kent. 2001c. “Semantically Speaking.” in Perspectives on Semantics, Pragmatics, and Discourse. A Festschrift for Ferenc Kiefer, edited by Istán Kenesei and Robert M. Harnish, pp. 147–171. Pragmatics & Beyond, New Series. Amsterdam: John Benjamins Publishing Co.
Bach, Kent. 2002a. “Giorgone was so-called because of his name.” in Philosophical Perspectives 16: Language and Mind, edited by James E. Tomberlin, pp. 73–103. Oxford: Blackwell Publishers.
Bach, Kent. 2002b. “Seemingly Semantic Intuitions.” in Meaning and Truth: Investigations in Philosophical Semantics, edited by Joseph Keim Campbell, Michael O’Rourke, and David Shier, pp. 21–33. New York: Seven Bridges Press. Proceedings of the Eastern Washington University and the University of Idaho Inland Northwest Philosophy Conference on Meaning.
Bach, Kent. 2002c. “Language, Logic, and Form.” in A Companion to Philosophical Logic, edited by Dale Jacquette, pp. 51–72. Blackwell Companions to Philosophy. Oxford: Blackwell Publishers, doi:10.1002/9780470996751.
Bach, Kent. 2002d. “Review of Lawlor (2001).” Notre Dame Philosophical Reviews 2(7).
Bach, Kent. 2004a. “Minding the Gap.” in The Semantics/Pragmatics Distinction, edited by Claudia Bianchi, pp. 27–43. Stanford, California: CSLI Publications.
Bach, Kent. 2004b. “Descriptions: Points of Reference.” in Descriptions and Beyond, edited by Marga Reimer and Anne L. Bezuidenhout, pp. 189–229. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Bach, Kent. 2005a. “Context ex Machina.” in Semantics versus Pragmatics, edited by Zoltán Gendler Szabó, pp. 15–44. Oxford: Oxford University Press, doi:10.1093/acprof:oso/9780199251520.001.0001.
Bach, Kent. 2005b. “Review of Preyer and Peter (2002).” The Philosophical Quarterly 55(218): 136–136.
Bach, Kent. 2005c. “The Emperor’s New ‘Knows’ .” in Contextualism in Philosophy: Knowledge, Meaning, and Truth, edited by Gerhard Preyer and Georg Peter, pp. 51–90. New York: Oxford University Press, doi:10.1093/oso/9780199267408.003.0003.
Bach, Kent. 2005d. “Performative Utterances.” in The Encyclopedia of Philosophy, edited by Donald M. Borchert, 2nd ed. Basingstoke, Hampshire: Palgrave Macmillan.
Bach, Kent. 2006a. “Speech Acts and Pragmatics.” in The Blackwell Guide to the Philosophy of Language, edited by Michael Devitt and Richard Hanley, pp. 147–167. Blackwell Philosophy Guides. Oxford: Blackwell Publishers, doi:10.1002/9780470757031.
Bach, Kent. 2006b. “What does it take to Refer?” in The Oxford Handbook of Philosophy of Language, edited by Ernest LePore and Barry C. Smith, pp. 516–555. Oxford Handbooks. New York: Oxford University Press, doi:10.1093/oxfordhb/9780199552238.001.0001.
Bach, Kent. 2006c. “The Excluded Middle: Semantic Minimalism without Minimal Propositions [on Cappelen and LePore (2005)].” Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 73(2): 435–442.
Bach, Kent. 2006d. “The Top 10 Misconceptions About Implicature.” in Drawing the Boundaries of Meaning. Neo-Gricean Studies in Pragmatics and Semantics in Honor of Laurence R. Horn, edited by Betty J. Birner and Gregory Ward, pp. 21–30. Studies in Language, Companion Series n. 80. Amsterdam: John Benjamins Publishing Co., doi:10.1075/slcs.80.
Bach, Kent. 2007a. “Knowledge, Wine and Taste: What Good is Knowledge (in Enjoying Wine)?” in Questions of Taste: The Philosophy of Wine, edited by Barry C. Smith, pp. 21–40. Oxford: Signal Books.
Bach, Kent. 2007b. “Searle against the World: How can Experiences find their Objects?” in John Searle’s Philosophy of Language. Force, Meaning and Mind, edited by Savas L. Tsohatzidis, pp. 64–78. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Bach, Kent. 2007c. “Referentially Used Descriptions: A Reply to Devitt (2007).” European Journal of Analytic Philosophy 3(2): 33–48.
Bach, Kent. 2007d. “The Main Bone of Contention.” European Journal of Analytic Philosophy 3(2): 55–58.
Bach, Kent. 2007e. “Reflections on Reference and Reflexivity.” in Situating Semantics: Essays on the Philosophy of John Perry, edited by Michael O’Rourke and Corey Washington, pp. 395–425. Cambridge, Massachusetts: The MIT Press.
Bach, Kent. 2007f. “Review of Récanati (2004).” Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 75(2): 487–492.
Bach, Kent. 2008a. “Applying Pragmatics to Epistemology.” in Philosophical Issues 18: Interdisciplinary Core Philosophy, edited by Ernest Sosa and Enrique Villanueva, pp. 68–88. Malden, Massachusetts: Wiley-Blackwell.
Bach, Kent. 2008b. “Talk about Wine?” in Wine & Philosophy. A Symposium on Thinking and Drinking, edited by Fritz Allhoff, pp. 95–110. Oxford: Blackwell Publishers.
Bach, Kent. 2009. “Self-Deception.” in The Oxford Handbook of Philosophy of Mind, edited by Brian P. McLaughlin, Ansgar Beckermann, and Sven Walter, pp. 781–796. Oxford Handbooks. Oxford: Oxford University Press, doi:10.1093/oxfordhb/9780199262618.001.0001.
Bach, Kent. 2010a. “Getting a Thing into a Thought.” in New Essays on Singular Thought, edited by Robin Jeshion, pp. 39–63. Oxford: Oxford University Press, doi:10.1093/acprof:oso/9780199567881.001.0001.
Bach, Kent. 2010b. “Refraining, Omitting, and Negative Acts.” in A Companion to the Philosophy of Action, edited by Timothy O’Connor and Constantine Sandis, pp. 50–57. Blackwell Companions to Philosophy. Chichester: Wiley-Blackwell, doi:10.1002/9781444323528.
Bach, Kent. 2010c. “Knowledge In and Out of Context.” in Knowledge and Skepticism, edited by Joseph Keim Campbell, Michael O’Rourke, and Harry S. Silverstein, pp. 105–136. Topics in Contemporary Philosophy n. 5. Cambridge, Massachusetts: The MIT Press, doi:10.7551/mitpress/9780262014083.003.0006.
Bach, Kent. 2011. “Perspectives on Possibilities: Contextualism, Relativism, or What?” in Epistemic Modality, edited by Andy Egan and Brian Weatherson, pp. 19–59. Oxford: Oxford University Press, doi:10.1093/acprof:oso/9780199591596.001.0001.
Bach, Kent. 2012a. “Meaning and Communication.” in The Routledge Companion to Philosophy of Language, edited by Gillian K. Russell and Delia Graff Fara, pp. 79–90. Routledge Philosophy Companions. London: Routledge.
Bach, Kent. 2012b. “Context Dependence.” in The Continuum Companion to the Philosophy of Language, edited by Manuel Garcı́a-Carpintero and Max Kölbel, pp. 153–184. London: Bloomsbury Academic. Second edition: Garcı́a-Carpintero and Kölbel (2014).
Bach, Kent. 2015. “The Predicate View of Proper Names.” Philosophy Compass 10(11): 772–784.
Bach, Kent. 2016. “Schiffer on Russell’s Theory and Referential Uses.” in Meanings and Other Things. Themes from the Work of Stephen Schiffer, edited by Gary Ostertag, pp. 364–383. Oxford: Oxford University Press, doi:10.1093/acprof:oso/9780199684939.001.0001.
Bach, Kent. 2017. “Reference, Intention, and Context: Do Demonstratives Really Refer?” in Reference and Representation in Thought and Language, edited by Marı́a De Ponte Azcárate and Kepa Korta, pp. 57–72. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Bach, Kent. 2018. “Loaded Words: On the Semantics and Pragmatics of Slurs.” in Bad Words. Philosophical Perspectives on Slurs, edited by David Sosa, pp. 60–76. Oxford: Oxford University Press, doi:10.1093/oso/9780198758655.001.0001.
Bach, Kent and Bezuidenhout, Anne L. 2002. “Distinguishing Semantics and Pragmatics.” in Meaning and Truth: Investigations in Philosophical Semantics, edited by Joseph Keim Campbell, Michael O’Rourke, and David Shier, pp. 284–310. New York: Seven Bridges Press. Proceedings of the Eastern Washington University and the University of Idaho Inland Northwest Philosophy Conference on Meaning.
Bach, Kent and Elugardo, Reinaldo. 2003. “Conceptual Minimalism and Anti-Individualism: A Reply to Goldberg (2002).” Noûs 37(1): 151–160.
Further References
Cappelen, Herman and LePore, Ernest. 2005. Insensitive Semantics: A Defense of Semantic Minimalism and Speech Act Pluralism. Oxford: Blackwell Publishers, doi:10.1002/9780470755792.
Devitt, Michael. 2007. “Referential Descriptions: A Note on Bach (2007c).” European Journal of Analytic Philosophy 3(2): 49–54.
Fodor, Jerry A. 1998. Concepts: Where Cognitive Science Went Wrong. Oxford: Oxford University Press, doi:10.1093/0198236360.001.0001.
Goldberg, Sanford C. 2002. “Do Anti-Individualistic Construals of Propositional Attitudes Capture the Agents’ Conceptions?” Noûs 36(4): 597–621.
Jaszczolt, Katarzyna [Kasia] M., ed. 2000. The Pragmatics of Propositional Attitude Reports. Current Research in the Semantics/Pragmatics Interface n. 4. Amsterdam: Elsevier Science Publishers B.V.
Lawlor, Krista. 2001. New Thoughts about Old Things: Cognitive Policies as the Ground of Singular Concepts. New York: Garland Publishing Co.
Litman, Diane J. and Allen, James F. 1990. “Discourse Planning and Commonsense Plans.” in Intentions in Communication, edited by Philip R. Cohen, Jerry L. Morgan, and Martha E. Pollack, pp. 366–388. Cambridge, Massachusetts: The MIT Press.
Récanati, François. 2004. Literal Meaning. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Searle, John R. 1989. “How Performatives Work.” Linguistics and Philosophy 12(5): 535–558.
Stanley, Jason. 2007. Language in Context. Selected Essays. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Stanley, Jason and Szabó, Zoltán Gendler. 2000. “On Quantifier Domain Restriction.” Mind and Language 15(2-3): 219–261. Reprinted in Stanley (2007, 69–110).
Thomason, Richmond H. 1990. “Accommodation, Meaning, and Implicature: Interdisciplinary Foundations for Pragmatics.” in Intentions in Communication, edited by Philip R. Cohen, Jerry L. Morgan, and Martha E. Pollack, pp. 326–363. Cambridge, Massachusetts: The MIT Press.