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Max Black (black-m)

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    Berlin, Isaiah, Hampshire, Stuart, Black, Max, Ricœur, Paul, Yovel, Yirmiyahu, Polin, Raymond, Davidson, Donald and Rotenstreich, Nathan. 1978. Panel Discussion: Is a Philosophy of History Possible? in Philosophy of History and Action. Papers Presented at the First Jerusalem Philosophical Encounter, edited by Yirmiyahu Yovel, pp. 219–240. Philosophical Studies Series n. 11. Dordrecht: D. Reidel Publishing Co.
    Black, Max. 1933. Philosophical Analysis.” Proceedings of the Aristotelian Society 33: 237–258.
    Black, Max. 1934a. The Principle of Verifiability.” Analysis 2(1–2): 1–6.
    Black, Max. 1934b. Is Analysis a Useful Method in Philosophy? Proceedings of the Aristotelian Society, Supplementary Volume 13: 53–64.
    Black, Max. 1934c. A Propos of ‘Facts’ .” Analysis 1(3): 39–43.
    Black, Max. 1936a. Truth by Convention.” Analysis 4(2–3): 28–32.
    Black, Max. 1936b. Truth-Functions: A Criticism.” Analysis 4(1): 15–16.
    Black, Max. 1937. Vagueness: An Exercise in Logical Analysis.” Philosophy of Science 4: 427–455. Reprinted in Black (1949a, 23–58) and in Keefe and Smith (1996, 69–81).
    Black, Max. 1938. Some Problems Connected with Language.” Proceedings of the Aristotelian Society 39: 43–68. Reprinted as “Wittgenstein’s Tractatus in Black (1949a, 139–166).
    Black, Max. 1939. Relations between Logical Positivism and the Cambridge School of Analysis.” The Journal of Unified Science (Erkenntnis) 8(1–3): 24–35.
    Black, Max. 1942. Ogden and Richards’ Theory of Interpretation.” The Journal of Philosophy 39(11): 281–290. Reprinted in Black (1949a, 187–200).
    Black, Max. 1943. The Analysis of a Simple Necessary Statement.” The Journal of Philosophy 40(2): 39–46.
    Black, Max. 1944a. The ‘Paradox of Analysis’ .” Mind 53: 263–267.
    Black, Max. 1944b. Russell’s Philosophy of Language.” in The Philosophy of Bertrand Russell, edited by Paul Arthur Schilpp, pp. 229–256. The Library of Living Philosophers n. 5. LaSalle, Illinois: Open Court Publishing Co. Reprinted in Black (1949a, 109–138).
    Black, Max. 1945a. The ‘Paradox of Analysis’ Again: A Reply.” Mind 54: 272–273.
    Black, Max. 1945b. Linguistic Method in Philosophy.” Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 8: 635–649. Reprinted in Black (1949a, 3–22).
    Black, Max. 1945c. A New Method of Presentation of the Theory of the Syllogism.” The Journal of Philosophy 42(17): 449–455.
    Black, Max. 1947. The Limitations of a Behavioristic Semiotic.” The Philosophical Review 56: 258–272. Reprinted as “The Semiotic of Charles Morris” in Black (1949a, 167–186).
    Black, Max. 1948a. The Semantic Definition of Truth.” Analysis 8(1): 49–63. Reprinted in Black (1949a, 91–108).
    Black, Max. 1948b. Logic and Semantics.” in Philosophical Studies. Essays in Memory of L. Susan Stebbing, pp. 98–128. London: George Allen & Unwin. Reprinted as “Carnap on Semantics and Logic” in Black (1954a, 255–290).
    Black, Max. 1948c. Questions about Emotive Meaning.” The Philosophical Review 57: 111–126. Reprinted in Black (1949a, 201–220).
    Black, Max. 1949a. Language and Philosophy. Ithaca, New York: Cornell University Press.
    Black, Max. 1949b. The Definition of Scientific Method.” in Science and Civilisation, edited by Robert C. Stauffer, pp. 67–98. Madison, Wisconsin: University of Wisconsin Press. Reprinted in Black (1954a, 3–23).
    Black, Max. 1949c. The Justification of Induction.” in Language and Philosophy, pp. 59–88. Ithaca, New York: Cornell University Press. Reprinted in Black (1954a, 3–23).
    Black, Max. 1949d. Korzybski’s General Semantics.” in Language and Philosophy, pp. 221–246. Ithaca, New York: Cornell University Press. Reprinted in Black (1954a, 3–23).
    Black, Max. 1949e. On Speaking with the Vulgar.” The Philosophical Review 58: 616–621. Reprinted in Klemke (1969, 221–226).
    Black, Max, ed. 1950a. Philosophical Analysis: A Collection of Essays. Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey: Prentice-Hall, Inc.
    Black, Max. 1950b. The Nature of Mathematics. A Critical Survey. Atlantic Highlands, New Jersey: Humanities Press.
    Black, Max. 1950c. Introduction.” in Philosophical Analysis: A Collection of Essays, edited by Max Black, pp. 1–13. Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey: Prentice-Hall, Inc.
    Black, Max. 1951. Achilles and the Tortoise.” Analysis 11(5): 91–101. Reprinted in Black (1954a, 95–108) and in Salmon (1970, 67–81).
    Black, Max. 1952a. Definition, Presupposition, and Assertion.” The Philosophical Review 61(4): 532–550. Reprinted in Black (1954a, 24–45).
    Black, Max. 1952b. Saying and Disbelieving.” Analysis 13(2): 25–33. Reprinted in Black (1954a, 46–57), doi:10.1093/analys/13.2.25.
    Black, Max. 1952c. The Language of Sense-Data.” in Science, Language, and Human Rights, pp. 21–42. Philadelphia, Pennsylvania: University of Pennsylvania Press. Reprinted in Black (1954a, 58–79).
    Black, Max. 1952d. The Identity of Indiscernibles.” Mind 61(242): 152–164. Reprinted in Black (1954a, 80–92), doi:10.1093/mind/LXI.242.153.
    Black, Max. 1954a. Problems of Analysis: Philosophical Essays. Ithaca, New York: Cornell University Press.
    Black, Max. 1954b. The Paradox of the Flying Arrow.” in Problems of Analysis: Philosophical Essays, pp. 127–147. Ithaca, New York: Cornell University Press.
    Black, Max. 1954c. How Difficult Might Induction Be? in Problems of Analysis: Philosophical Essays, pp. 209–225. Ithaca, New York: Cornell University Press.
    Black, Max. 1954d. The Paradox of the Stadium.” in Problems of Analysis: Philosophical Essays, pp. 148–154. Ithaca, New York: Cornell University Press.
    Black, Max. 1954e. ‘Pragmatic’ Justifications of Induction.” in Problems of Analysis: Philosophical Essays, pp. 157–190. Ithaca, New York: Cornell University Press.
    Black, Max. 1954f. Inductive Support of Inductive Rules.” in Problems of Analysis: Philosophical Essays, pp. 191–208. Ithaca, New York: Cornell University Press.
    Black, Max. 1954g. Is Achilles Still Running? in Problems of Analysis: Philosophical Essays, pp. 109–128. Ithaca, New York: Cornell University Press.
    Black, Max. 1954h. Frege on Functions.” in Problems of Analysis: Philosophical Essays, pp. 229–254. Ithaca, New York: Cornell University Press. Reprinted in Klemke (1968, 223–248).
    Black, Max. 1955a. Metaphor.” Proceedings of the Aristotelian Society 55: 273–294. Republished in Black (1962a, 25–47).
    Black, Max. 1955b. Why Cannot an Effect Precede Its Cause? Analysis 16: 49–58. Republished as “Can the Effect Precede the Cause“” in Black (1962a, 170–181).
    Black, Max. 1957. The ‘Direction’ of Time.” Journal of Philosophical Studies (Kyoto, Japan) 39: 49–58. Republished as Black (1958f) and reprinted in Black (1962a, 182–193).
    Black, Max. 1958a. The ‘Direction’ of Time.” Analysis 19: 54–63.
    Black, Max. 1958b. Necessary Statements and Rules.” The Philosophical Review 67: 313–341. Reprinted in Black (1962a, 64–94).
    Black, Max. 1958c. The Analysis of Rules.” Theoria 24: 107–136. Reprinted in Black (1962a, 95–139).
    Black, Max. 1958d. Making Something Happen.” in Determinism and Freedom in the Age of Modern Science, edited by Sidney Hook, pp. 31–45. New York: New York University Press. Reprinted in Black (1962a, 153–169).
    Black, Max. 1958e. Self-Supporting Inductive Arguments.” The Journal of Philosophy 55: 718–725. Reprinted in Black (1962a, 209–218).
    Black, Max. 1958f. Presupposition and Implication.” in A Way to the Philosophy of Science, edited by Seizi Uyeda. Tokyo: Waseda University Press. Reprinted in Black (1962a, 48–63).
    Black, Max. 1959a. Linguistic Relativity: The Views of Benjamin Lee Whorf.” The Philosophical Review 68: 228–238. Reprinted in Black (1962a, 244–257).
    Black, Max. 1959b. Can Induction be Vindicated? Philosophical Studies 10(1): 5–16. Reprinted in Black (1962a, 194–208).
    Black, Max. 1960a. Possibility.” The Journal of Philosophy 57: 117–126. Reprinted in Black (1962a, 140–152).
    Black, Max. 1960b. Models and Archetypes.” in Both Human and Humane, edited by Charles E. Boewe and Roy F. Nichols. Philadelphia, Pennsylvania: University of Pennsylvania Press. Reprinted in Black (1962a, 219–243).
    Black, Max. 1962a. Models and Metaphors. Studies in Language and Philosophy. Ithaca, New York: Cornell University Press.
    Black, Max. 1962b. Explanations of Meaning.” in Models and Metaphors. Studies in Language and Philosophy, pp. 17–24. Ithaca, New York: Cornell University Press.
    Black, Max. 1962c. Dewey’s Philosophy of Language.” The Journal of Philosophy 59: 505–523. Reprinted in Black (1970a, 222–245).
    Black, Max. 1963a. Reasoning with Loose Concepts.” Dialogue. Revue canadienne de philosophie / Canadian Philosophical Review 2(1): 1–12. Reprinted in Black (1970a, 1–13).
    Black, Max. 1963b. Austin on Performatives.” Philosophy 38: 217–226. Reprinted in Black (1970a, 209–221).
    Black, Max. 1964a. A Companion to Wittgenstein’s “Tractatus” . Ithaca, New York: Cornell University Press.
    Black, Max. 1964b. The Gap between ‘Is’ and ‘Should’ .” The Philosophical Review 73: 165–181. Reprinted in Black (1970a, 23–40).
    Black, Max, ed. 1965a. Philosophy in America. Ithaca, New York: Cornell University Press.
    Black, Max. 1965b. The Justification of Logical Axioms.” in The Foundation of Statements and Decisions, Proceedings of the International Colloquium on Methodology of Science, Warsaw, 18–23 Sept. 1961, edited by Kazimierz Ajdukiewicz, pp. 65–71. Warszawa: Państwow Wydawnictwo Naukowe (PWN). Reprinted in Black (1970a, 14–22).
    Black, Max. 1966a. The raison d’être of Inductive Argument.” The British Journal for the Philosophy of Science 17: 177–204. Reprinted in Black (1970a, 145–178).
    Black, Max. 1966b. Notes on the ‘Paradoxes of Confirmation’ .” in Aspects of Inductive Logic, edited by Jaakko Hintikka and Patrick Suppes, pp. 175–197. Studies in Logic and the Foundations of Mathematics n. 43. Amsterdam: North-Holland Publishing Co. Reprinted in Black (1970a, 179–208).
    Black, Max. 1966c. Wittgenstein’s Views about Language.” Iyyun, the Jerusalem Philosophical Quarterly 17: 1–16, 61–64. Reprinted in Black (1970a, 246–268).
    Black, Max. 1967a. Probability.” in The Encyclopedia of Philosophy, volume 6, edited by Paul Edwards, pp. 464–478. New York: Macmillan; the Free Press. reprinted in Black (1970a, 91–136).
    Black, Max. 1967b. Rules and Routines.” in The Concept of Education, edited by Richard Stanley Peters, pp. 92–104. London: Routledge & Kegan Paul. Reprinted in Black (1970a, 41–56).
    Black, Max. 1967c. Induction.” in The Encyclopedia of Philosophy, volume 4, edited by Paul Edwards, pp. 169–181. New York: Macmillan; the Free Press. reprinted in the second edition (borchert:2005?).
    Black, Max. 1967d. Ramsey, Frank Plumpton.” in The Encyclopedia of Philosophy, edited by Paul Edwards. New York: Macmillan; the Free Press. Reprinted in the second edition (borchert:2005?).
    Black, Max. 1968. The Labyrinth of Language. New York: Mentor Books.
    Black, Max. 1969a. Some Half-Baked Truths about Induction.” in Philosophy, Science, and Method: Essays in Honor of Ernest Nagel, edited by Sydney Morgenbesser, Patrick Suppes, and Martin White, pp. 144–149. New York: St. Martin’s Press. Reprinted in Black (1970a, 137–144).
    Black, Max. 1969b. Some Troubles with Whorfianism.” in Language and Philosophy. A Symposium, edited by Sidney Hook, pp. 30–35. New York: New York University Press.
    Black, Max. 1970a. Margins of Precision. Essays in Logic and Language. Ithaca, New York: Cornell University Press.
    Black, Max. 1970b. Induction and Experience.” in Experience and Theory, edited by Lawrence Foster and Joe William Swanson, pp. 135–160. Amherst, Massachusetts: University of Massachusetts Press.
    Black, Max. 1970c. A Note on Professor Edel’s Paper [on Edel (1970)].” Philosophic Exchange 1: 59–60.
    Black, Max. 1971. The Elusiveness of Sets.” The Review of Metaphysics 24: 614–636. Reprinted in Black (1975, 85–108).
    Black, Max. 1973a. Meaning and Intention: An Examination of Grice’s View.” New Literary History 4: 257–279.
    Black, Max. 1973b. Paradigm Cases and Evaluative Words.” Dialectica 27(3–4): 261–272.
    Black, Max. 1974. An Immoderate Skepticism: Some Comments on Professor Unger’s Paper [on Unger (1974)].” Philosophic Exchange 5: 157–159.
    Black, Max. 1975. Caveats and Critiques. Ithaca, New York: Cornell University Press.
    Black, Max. 1977a. More About Metaphor.” Dialectica 31(3–4): 431–458. Reprinted in Ortony (1979, 19–41), page references are to the second edition.
    Black, Max. 1977b. Are there Any Philosophically Interesting Questions in Technology? in PSA 1976: Proceedings of the Biennial Meeting of the Philosophy of Science Association, Part II: Symposia, edited by Frederick Suppe and Peter D. Asquith, pp. 185–193. East Lansing, Michigan: Philosophy of Science Association.
    Black, Max. 1977c. Some Remarks about Rationality.” Philosophic Exchange 8: 65–74.
    Black, Max. 1978. Some Questions About ‘Practical Reasoning’ .” Dialectica 32(2): 101–114.
    Black, Max. 1979a. How Metaphors Work: A Reply to Donald Davidson.” Critical Inquiry 6: 131–143.
    Black, Max. 1979b. Wittgenstein’s Language-Games.” Dialectica 33(3–4): 337–354.
    Black, Max. 1981. Newcomb’s Problem Demystified.” in Essays in Philosophical Analysis, dedicated to Erik Stenius on the Occasion of his 70th Birthday, edited by Ingmar Pörn, pp. 30–43. Acta Philosophica Fennica n. 32. Helsinki: Societas Philosophica Fennica, Akateeminen Kirjakauppa.
    Black, Max. 1982a. ‘Why Should I Be Rational?’ .” Dialectica 36(2–3): 147–168.
    Black, Max. 1982b. Verificationism Revisited: A Conversation.” Grazer Philosophische Studien 16–17: 35–47. “Schlick und Neurath – Ein Symposium. Beiträge zum International philosophischen Symposion aus Anlass der 100. Wiederkehr des Geburtstages von Moritz Schlick (14.4.1882 – 22.6.1936) und Otto Neurath (10.12.1882 – 22.12.1945), Wien, 16.-20.6.1982,” ed. by Rudolf Haller.
    Black, Max. 1982c. The Prevalence of Humbug.” Philosophic Exchange 13: 1–23.
    Black, Max. 1983. The Prevalence of Humbug and Other Essays. Ithaca, New York: Cornell University Press.
    Black, Max. 1985. Making Intelligent Choices. How Useful is Decision Theory? Dialectica 39(1): 19–34.
    Black, Max. 1989. Some Remarks about ’Practical Reasoning’ .” in The Philosophy of Georg Henrik von Wright, edited by Lewis Edwin Hahn and Paul Arthur Schilpp, pp. 405–416. The Library of Living Philosophers n. 19. LaSalle, Illinois: Open Court Publishing Co.
    Firth, Roderick, Black, Max, Nagel, Ernest and Hempel, Carl Gustav. 1952. Science, Language, and Human Rights. Philadelphia, Pennsylvania: University of Pennsylvania Press. Papers for the symposium at the annual meeting of APA, Eastern Division, held at the College of the City of New York, 29-31 December 1952.

Further References

    Edel, Abraham. 1970. The Scientific Enterprise and Social Conscience.” Philosophic Exchange 1: 39–57.
    Keefe, Rosanna and Smith, Peter, eds. 1996. Vagueness: A Reader. Cambridge, Massachusetts: The MIT Press, doi:10.7551/mitpress/7064.001.0001.
    Klemke, Elmer Daniel, ed. 1968. Essays on Frege. Urbana, Illinois: University of Illinois Press.
    Klemke, Elmer Daniel, ed. 1969. Studies in the Philosophy of G.E. Moore. Urbana, Illinois: University of Illinois Press.
    Ortony, Andrew, ed. 1979. Metaphor and Thought. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. Second edition: Ortony (1993).
    Ortony, Andrew, ed. 1993. Metaphor and Thought. 2nd ed. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. First edition: Ortony (1979).
    Salmon, Wesley C., ed. 1970. Zeno’s Paradoxes. 1st ed. Indianapolis, Indiana: Bobbs-Merrill Company Inc.
    Unger, Peter. 1974. An Argument for Skepticism.” Philosophic Exchange 5: 131–155.