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Jeffrey Ketland (ketland)

Cited in the following articles

Axiomatization of Galilean Spacetime


    Ketland, Jeffrey. 1999. Deflationism and Tarski’s Paradise.” Mind 108: 69–94.
    Ketland, Jeffrey. 2000a. A Proof of the (Strengthened) Liar Formula in a Semantical Extension of Peano Arithmetic.” Analysis 60(1): 1–4.
    Ketland, Jeffrey. 2000b. Conservativeness and Translation-Dependent T-Schemes.” Analysis 60(4): 319–328.
    Ketland, Jeffrey. 2002. Hume = Small Hume.” Analysis 62(1): 92–93.
    Ketland, Jeffrey. 2003a. On Wright’s Inductive Definition of Coherence Truth for Arithmetic.” Analysis 63(1): 6–15.
    Ketland, Jeffrey. 2003b. Can a Many-Valued Language Functionally Represent Its Own Semantics? Analysis 63(4): 292–297.
    Ketland, Jeffrey. 2004a. Empirical Adequacy and Ramsification.” The British Journal for the Philosophy of Science 55(2): 287–300.
    Ketland, Jeffrey. 2004b. Bueno and Colyvan on Yablo’s Paradox [on Bueno and Colyvan (2003)].” Analysis 64(2): 165–172.
    Ketland, Jeffrey. 2005a. Deflationism and the Gödel Phenomena: Reply to Tennant (2005).” Mind 114(453): 75–88.
    Ketland, Jeffrey. 2005b. Yablo’s Paradox and \(\omega\)-Inconsistency.” Synthese 145(3): 295–302.
    Ketland, Jeffrey. 2005c. Jacquette on Grelling’s Paradox [on Jacquette (2004)].” Analysis 65(2): 258–260.
    Ketland, Jeffrey. 2005d. Some More Curious Inferences.” Analysis 65(1): 18–24.
    Ketland, Jeffrey. 2006. Structuralism and the Identity of Indiscernibles.” Analysis 66(292): 303–315.
    Ketland, Jeffrey. 2007. A Comment on Bermúdez concerning the Definability of Identity.” Analysis 67(4): 315–318.
    Ketland, Jeffrey. 2009a. Beth’s Theorem and Deflationism – Reply to Bays (2009).” Mind 118(472): 1075–1079.
    Ketland, Jeffrey. 2009b. Empirical Adequacy and Ramsification, II.” in Proceedings of the 31st International Wittgenstein Symposium: Reduction – Abstraction – Analysis, edited by Alexander Hieke and Hannes Leitgeb, pp. 29–46. Publications of the Austrian Ludwig Wittgenstein Society (new series) n. 11. Heusenstamm b. Frankfurt: Ontos Verlag.
    Ketland, Jeffrey. 2009c. Truth.” in Central Issues of Philosophy, edited by John Shand, pp. 10–23. Stocksfield: Acumen Publishing.
    Ketland, Jeffrey. 2010. Truth, Conservativeness, and Provability: Reply to Cieśliński (2010).” Mind 119(474): 423–436.
    Ketland, Jeffrey. 2011a. Identity and Indiscernibility.” The Review of Symbolic Logic 4(2): 171–185.
    Ketland, Jeffrey. 2011b. Nominalistic Adequacy.” Proceedings of the Aristotelian Society 111(2): 201–217.
    Ketland, Jeffrey. 2012. Validity as a Primitive.” Analysis 72(3): 421–430.
    Ketland, Jeffrey. 2014. There’s Glory for You! Philosophy 89(1): 3–29.
    Ketland, Jeffrey. 2015. Abstract Structure.” Unpublished manuscript.
    Ketland, Jeffrey. 2021. Foundations of Applied Mathematics I.” Synthese 199(1-2): 4151–4193, doi:10.1007/s11229-020-02973-w.
    Ketland, Jeffrey. 2022. A Formalization of Boolos’s ‘Curious Inference’ in Isabelle/HOL.” Archive for Formal Proofs,
    Ketland, Jeffrey. 2023. Axiomatization of Galilean Spacetime.” Dialectica 77(2), doi:10.48106/dial.v77.i2.02.
    Ketland, Jeffrey. n.d.a. A Note on Leibniz Equivalence.” Unpublished manuscript.
    Ketland, Jeffrey. n.d.b. Worlds Without Domain.” Unpublished manuscript.
    Ketland, Jeffrey and Schindler, Thomas. 2016. Arithmetic with Fusions.” Logique et Analyse 59(234): 207–226.

Further References

    Bays, Timothy. 2009. Beth’s Theorem and Deflationism.” Mind 118(472): 1061–1073.
    Bueno, Otávio and Colyvan, Mark. 2003. Paradox Without Satisfaction.” Analysis 63(2): 152–156.
    Cieśliński, Cezary. 2010. Truth, Conservativeness, and Provability.” Mind 119(474): 409–422.
    Jacquette, Dale. 2004. Grelling’s Revenge.” Analysis 64(3): 251–256.
    Tennant, Neil W. 2005. Deflationism and the Gödel Phenomena: Reply to Ketland (2005a).” Mind 114(453): 89–96.