Giovanni Merlo (merlo-g)
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The Association Dialectica, 4-year fully funded PhD position, Eidos Seminar 2024, 3-year Postdoctoral Position 75/80%, 4 years PhD position, Eidos Seminar 2023, Postdocs in Philosophy, Our Articles, Fine Summerschool, eidos, The Little Perspectival Workshop, Dialectica: Editors and Boards, Université de Genève, Research Projects, Che cos’è ....?, Projets de recherche, Artikel zu laufenden Forschungsprojekte, Research Projects, Progetti di ricerca attualiBibliography
Merlo, Giovanni. 2012. “Leibnizian Aggregates Are Not Mind-Dependent Entities.” Studia Leibnitiana 44(2): 193–211.
Merlo, Giovanni. 2013. “Specialness and Egalitarianism.” Thought 2(3): 248–257.
Merlo, Giovanni. 2014. “The World as I Found It. A Subjectivist Metaphysics of the Mental.” Tesis Doctoral, Barcelona: Universidad de Barcelona, Departamento de Lógica, Historia y Filosofı́a de la Ciencia.
Merlo, Giovanni. 2015. “Review of Ciuni, Miller and Torrengo (2013).” Dialectica 69(1): 148–153.
Merlo, Giovanni. 2016. “Subjectivism and the Mental.” Dialectica 70(3): 311–342, doi:10.1111/1746-8361.12153.
Merlo, Giovanni. 2017. “Multiple Reference and Vague Objects.” Synthese 194(7): 2645–2666.
Merlo, Giovanni. 2021. “Che cosa sono i fatti perspettivali?”, the Swiss Portal for Philosophy,
Further References
Ciuni, Roberto, Miller, Kristie and Torrengo, Giuliano, eds. 2013. New Papers on the Present. Focus on Presentism. Basic Philosophical Concepts. München: Philosophia Verlag, doi:10.2307/j.ctv2nrzh22.