Robert Michels (michels-r)
My research is mainly in metaphysics and philosophy of language and it usually engages in some form with modality or indeterminacy.
Auf folgenden Portalseiten erwähnt
Dialectica: Editorial Committee, Articles of Dialectica, Eidos Seminar 2024, Eidos Seminar 2023, Fine Summerschool, eidos, Festschrift for Kevin Mulligan, Political Liberty, The Formalization of Arguments: An Overview [introduction to the special issue], The Quantified Argument Calculus and Natural Logic, Reflective Equilibrium on the Fringe, The Primacy of the Universal Quantifier in Frege's Concept-Script, Holistic Inferential Criteria of Adequate Formalization, Considerations on Logical Consequence and Natural Language, “Unless” is “Or”, Unless “¬A Unless A” is Invalid, Assumptions, Hypotheses, and AntecedentsBeiträge zu
Hirèche, Salim, Linnemann, Niels, Michels, Robert and Vogt, Lisa. 2021. “The Strong Arm of the Law: a Unified Account of Necessary and Contingent Laws of Nature.” Synthese 199(3-4): 10211–10252, doi:10.1007/s11229-021-03243-z.
Michels, Robert. 2012. “Soames’s Argument 1 Against Strong Two-Dimensionalism.” Philosophical Studies 161(3): 403–420.
Michels, Robert. 2013a. “Metaphysical Modality and Essentiality.” Th{\`e}se de doctorat, Genève: Département de philosophie, Université de Genève.
Michels, Robert. 2013b. “Erratum to Michels (2012).” Philosophical Studies 163(2): 575.
Michels, Robert. 2018a. “Essential Truths and Their Truth-Grounds.” Ergo 5(30): 790–815.
Michels, Robert. 2018b. “Review of Wiggins (2016).” Dialectica 72(2): 325–328.
Michels, Robert. 2019. “On How (Not) to Define Modality in Terms of Essence.” Philosophical Studies 176: 1015–1033.
Michels, Robert. 2020. “The Formalization of Arguments: An Overview [introduction to the special issue].” Dialectica 74(2). Special issue “The Formalisation of Arguments,” guest edited by Robert Michels, doi:10.48106/dial.v74.i2.01.
Further References
Wiggins, David. 2016. Continuants. Their Activity, their Being and their Identity. Oxford: Oxford University Press, doi:10.1093/acprof:oso/9780198716624.001.0001.