The Identity Theory
What is the relationship between dispositions and categorical
properties, for instance fragility and molecular structure, or belief
and states of the brain? According to the
Identity Theory. Each dispositional property is identical
to some categorical property.
What are dispositions, and the categorical properties they are to be
identified with? Standardly, both categories are ostensively defined.
Fragility, flammability, mass, charge, and the like—these are
the dispositions. Categorical properties include geometric properties,
such as sphericity and squareness, and microstructural properties, such
as being composed of H\(_2\)O or atomic
How do dispositional and categorical properties differ? Whilst there
does appear to be some difference between the two, that difference is
notoriously elusive. In fact, reflection on usage reveals a range of
ways the distinction has been drawn. Let me name a few.
The first is ontological. On this approach dispositional and
categorical properties form distinct categories of existents (Ford 2012; Contessa 2019; Tugby 2020; Azzano
2021). Dispositions are properties with modally fixed causal
profiles. In contrast, categorical properties have causal profiles that
are modally variant (Bird 2016, sec.
2.2). Some reserve the terms ‘power’ and ‘quiddity’ for this
distinction which is, I think, a sensible approach. Importantly, on this
view “categorical” simply means “non-dispositional.” Evidently if
that is what the identity theorist intends their theory is
stillborn. But it seems clear they have no such distinction in mind.
Even if all properties are powers, or if there are quiddities also,
whether dispositions are identical to certain categorical properties
remains an open question. To grant the identity theorist the fair trial
they deserve, then, we must seek an alternative criterion.
The second is semantic. On this view the distinction lies
not between properties but predicates (Quine 1974, 11; Armstrong
1999; Shoemaker 1980). More precisely,
categorical and dispositional predicates differ in their intensions,
i.e., their conditions of application. In particular, the intensions of
dispositional but not categorical concepts make essential
reference to the ascribed property’s effects. For example, the intension
of “fragility” may be thought to make essential reference to breaking,
smashing, or cracking. In contrast, whilst “being spherical” may be
associated with certain effects, such as rolling or fitting in
other shaped crevices and holes, the concept is not defined in
terms of them. Put another way: only dispositional predicates are
defined in terms of their manifestations.
The third is epistemological. On
this view dispositions differ from categorical properties in their
apparent conditions of (non-inferential) perceptual knowability. Whilst dispositional properties
appear to be perceptually knowable only by witness of their
manifestations, categorical properties appear to be so knowable
throughout the persistence of their instantiation. In a sense,
dispositions are the apparently “hidden” or “inconspicuous” properties
of objects and contrast with their relatively “conspicuous” categorical
cousins. The dual notions of “dispositional” and “categorical,” on this
view, denote the respective presence and absence of an apparent kind of
perceptual concealment. Dispositions are the apparently
perceptually inconspicuous persisting properties borne by objects.
Categorical properties are unlike dispositions in that they do not
appear to lie latent. It is this concealment, perhaps, that
gives dispositions their distinctively “spooky” flavour and which moves
us, as Goodman (1955)
wrote, to bring them down to earth.
For present purposes we needn’t commit to either the semantic or the
epistemological view. To investigate the identity theorist’s dialectic
we need only grant that some plausible distinction exists. And so long
as we are concerned only with the internal dialectic of their theory, we
must. Furthermore, if we focus on paradigmatic examples the exact nature
of the distinction will not affect the arguments that follow. Hence, for
the purposes of evaluating the retreat from type-type to token-token
identity theories I’ll assume there is some plausible distinction
available to the identity theorist.
The Argument from Causal
Why accept the Identity Theory? One influential argument
employs the
Identity Principle.
Two properties \(P\), \(P'\) are the same property just in case
\(P\) and \(P'\) bestow the same total causal role
\(R\) to their bearers.
The Causal Identity Principle is Eleatic in
spirit: it is causal efficacy that gives a property its ontic bite. But
the principle goes further. Causal efficacy is not merely the mark of
the sparse, but properties are individuated by the causal roles they
bestow. The precise nature of a property’s causal profile is what makes
it the very property that it is, and that which distinguishes it from
all distinct properties.
What are causal roles, and what is it to bestow them? Whilst this
question is hardly straightforward, for present purposes we may bruit a
rough view. For a property \(P\) to
bestow a causal role \(R\) to some
bearer \(x\) is for \(x\) to bear \(R\) in virtue of instantiating \(P\). Causal roles themselves we may think
of as sets of possible causal contributions. A property \(P\) bestows a causal contribution at a case
\(\alpha\) just in case \(P\) is causally efficacious in \(\alpha\). For
instance, if a force \(F\) is exerted
on a rubber band in \(\alpha\) which as
a result deforms reversibly then the band’s elasticity bestows a causal
contribution at \(\alpha\). On the
precise nature of being causally efficacious we may remain neutral,
saying only that \(P\) is efficacious
with respect to some effect \(e\) just
in case \(e\) occurs in virtue of the
instantiation of \(P\). A property’s
total causal role \(R\) is the set of
all causal roles \(P\) bestows.
According to this criterion, since the causal contributions bestowed by
“being water” are the same as those bestowed by “being H\(_2\)O” the properties are identical. In
contrast, since the causal contributions bestowed by “being flammable”
and “being cube-shaped” differ the properties are distinct.
Inquiry informs us that when a dispositional property manifests,
certain categorical properties bestow causal contributions to that
manifestation. When a disposition has some categorical property that
bestows a causal contribution to its manifestations, that property is
said to be its causal basis. For instance, the causal basis of
the band’s elasticity is its possessing certain polymer chains which are
causally efficacious in its reversely deforming. With such discoveries
to hand, the causal identity principle may be employed in an argument to
the Identity Theory. The
identification holds between dispositional properties and their
categorical causal bases. Letting ‘\(D\)’ denote dispositional properties and
‘\(C\)’ categorical causal bases, it
runs as follows:
(1) For all \(D\), there is some \(R\) such that \(D\) bestows \(R\).
(2) For all \(D\), there exists some \(C\) such that if \(D\) bestows \(R\), \(C\)
bestows \(R\).
(3) If \(D\) bestows \(R\) and \(C\) bestows \(R\), then \(D=C\).
(C) For all \(D\), there exists some \(C\) such that \(D=C\).
To clarify, consider elasticity. Elasticity bestows a causal
contribution to its bearers: elastic objects deform reversibly under
stress. But that very same causal contribution is bestowed by the
property of having polymer chains. Thus, by the right-to-left of the Causal Identity Principle, elasticity is
identical to the property of having polymer chains. Since similar
arguments may be run for all dispositional properties, we may identify
dispositions and their categorical causal bases.
Distinct Realisation
The first two premises are vulnerable to attack. It has been argued
that 1 is false since dispositions are not causally efficacious (Prior, Pargetter
and Jackson 1982; Rundle 1997). It has been argued that 2
is false since some have no categorical grounds. In
this paper, though, I wish to focus on a different, familiar worry:
dispositions admit of multiple realisation, or to be more
Distinct Realisation. A property \(P\) is distinctly realised just in case
there exist two distinct entities, \(x\), \(y\), such that \(Px\) and the causal basis for \(Px\) is \(C_1\), and \(Py\) and the causal basis for \(Py\) is \(C_2\), such that \(C_1 \neq C_2\).
Consider flammability. In safety matches the causal basis of the
property of being flammable is the property of having potassium
chlorate, but in other matches the flammability is based by distinct
chemicals. In non-safety matches, for example, phosphorus sesquisulfide
is typically used. Similarly, an elastic metal may be
elastic in virtue of its possessing not polymer chains but atomic
From the existence of distinct realisation, the transitivity of
identity, and the right-to-left of the Causal
Identity Principle, a reductio that threatens the Identity
Theory may be run. It takes the following form:
(A1) If \(P\) bestows \(R\) and \(P'\) bestows \(R\), then \(P =
(A2) \(D\) bestows \(R\), and \(R\) is bestowed by \(C_1\).
(A3) \(D\) bestows \(R\), and \(R\) is bestowed by \(C_2\).
(A4) \(C_1
\neq C_2\)
(1) \(D =
C_1\quad\) (A1, A2)
(2) \(D =
C_2\quad\) (A1, A3)
(3) \(C_1
= C_2\quad\) (1, 2, transitivity of ‘\(=\)’)
(4) \((C_1
= C_2)\wedge (C_1 \neq C_2)\quad\) (A4, 3)
Let’s walk it through. We start with the
right-to-left of the Causal
Identity Principle (A1). Next we
consider two objects that possess the same type of disposition but
distinct categorical realisers: perhaps an elastic band and an elastic
metal rod. The causal basis of elasticity in the rubber band is its
possession of polymer chains (A2), but in the rod
the basis is its possession of an atomic lattices (A3). Moreover, we know that the possession of an
atomic lattice is a distinct property from the possession of polymer
chains (A4). Since two properties are identical if
they bestow the same causal role, it follows that elasticity is
identical to the possession of polymer chains (1).
But it also follows that elasticity is identical to the
possession of atomic lattices (2). By the
transitivity of identity, the possession of polymer chains is identical
to the possession of atomic lattices (3). But
ex hypothesi the possession of polymer chains and the
possession of atomic lattices are non-identical properties. Absurdity is
now revealed: we have generated a contradiction (4).
The Token Retreat
Faced with distinct realisation, what’s an identity theorist to do?
At first blush it is not tempting to reject any assumption. But since
most are unwilling to deny A1, and A4 can hardly be doubted, A2 and
A3 are the usual suspects. But on what grounds are
they to be denied? In what follows I consider two options.
The first is to deny the datum: there is no distinct
realisation. This will usually be motivated by the claim that such
dispositions are not sufficiently sparse. One may, for instance, hold
that there are identities between dispositions and their categorical
bases only at the fundamental level (Bird 2007). Alternatively, one may
accept macro-level dispositions but, like Heil (2004), argue that the appearance of
distinct realisation derives from the fact that we have a “range of
similar properties all satisfying a single, moderately imprecise
predicate” (2004, 246–247; see also Heil 1999).
Word making is not world making: there are many kinds of fragility, each
of which is not distinctly realised.
Consider how this affects A2 and A3. Since there are two similar though distinct causal
roles we should reformulate the assumptions as follows:
(A2*) \(D\) bestows \(R_1\), and \(R_1\) is bestowed by \(C_1\).
(A3*) \(D\) bestows \(R_2\), and \(R_2\) is bestowed by \(C_2\).
But inconsistencies lurk. For now \(D\) bestows two distinct causal roles—by
the Causal Identity Principle \(D \neq D\)! Thus really they
should be formalised as:
(A2**) \(D_1\) bestows \(R_1\), and \(R_1\) is bestowed by \(C_1\).
(A3**) \(D_2\) bestows \(R_2\), and \(R_2\) is bestowed by \(C_2\).
and now the purported distinct realisation has been explained away.
The elasticity of rubber bands is identical to the property of having
polymer chains, the elasticity of metal rods is identical to the
property of having atomic lattices. But since elasticity\(_1 \neq\) elasticity\(_2\), contradiction is avoided.
Now, although I am sympathetic to this approach, in what follows I
will assume that distinct realisation is no phoney phenomenon. And that
is for the purpose of evaluating the second option, which takes
multiple realisation at face value. This is taking the token
identity retreat. Here are two philosophers doing just that:
The monist wants to say that there is just one attribute of \(x\), or state that \(x\) is in, that makes it true of \(x\) that \(Dx\) and that \(Cx\). This requirement can be satisfied
even if the extensions of \(D\) and
\(C\) do not coincide. Thus there need
not be an identity of universals for monism. [E]ach instance of a
disposition is identical to some instance of a categorical base [this]
amounts to a token-token identity theory. […] This means that the
argument from variable realization is disarmed […] the same move, to
token-token identities, is available for dispositions in response to the
variable realization argument. (Mumford 1998, 159–161)
But I did miss something important, though. If the mental is nothing
but that which plays a certain causal role […] then there is
the possibility, which may even be an empirical possibility
that the total causal role of tokens of the same mental type should be
filled by tokens of significantly different physical types. Instead of
type-type identity, one might have no more than a mental type correlated
with an indefinite disjunction of physical types [but] every mental
token is a purely physical token. (Armstrong 1968, xv)
As formulated, the argument requires that for all dispositional
properties \(D\), there is some unique
type of categorical property \(C\) such
that for any \(D\)-instance ‘\(Dx\)’, some \(C\)-instance ‘\(Cx\)’ is responsible for the causal
contributions of \(Dx\). What cases of
multiple realisability show is that, for many dispositions at least,
there is no such type of categorical property. Different objects may
bear the same dispositional property, despite the manifestations
occurring in virtue of categorical properties of distinct types.
In contrast, a token identity theory makes no such demand. All that
is required is that each token of a dispositional property
\(Dx\) is identical to a token \(Cx\) of some property \(C\). \(C\)
need not take a unique value. The rubber band’s elasticity is identical
to its polymer chains, the metal rod’s elasticity is identical to its
atomic lattice. But there is no requirement that the property of having
atomic lattices is identical to the property of having polymer chains.
Thus, whilst A2 and A3 are
both false, it matters not.
But if only tokens are identified, what of the types? Several
alternative treatments are available. According to the first
there are no types, only resemblance classes of individuals. All
properties are particular; property “types” are merely classes of
resembling property tokens. Categorical and dispositional properties, on
this view, are simply distinct classes of property tokens or “tropes”
individuated by the differing respects in which their members resemble.
And so multiple realisability causes no sweat: a metal rod’s elasticity
may be similar to the elasticities of all elastic objects, and its
atomic lattices may be similar to all other atomic lattices, even if all
of the former class do not resemble all of the latter. A token may
resemble one class in certain respects, and another class in other
respects, with no pain of contradiction.
Again, although I am sympathetic to this approach the present
arguments assume a different conception of tokens and types. Not for the
reason that the conception is implausible, but simply because it is not
relevant to the arguments that follow. For on this view there is in a
sense no bona fide multiple realisability: the argument is
avoided by banning types from our ontology. I have no doubt that an
ontology which rejects universals but embraces tropes provides an
alternative route to mere token identification. Let me be clear: if that
is one’s motivation, so be it. If they feature in a fruitful
metaphysics, let tropes bloom. The present gripe is not with endorsement
of token identities per se; I am interested only in the
adoption of token identity in response to the problem of distinct
According to the second, which we saw Armstrong endorse
above, the types are disjunctive. Elasticity is identical to the
property of having either atomic lattices or polymer
chains or so on and so on; possibly ad infinitum.
According to the third the types are higher-order. Not
“higher-order” as in “property of property,” but rather “the property of
bearing a property of such-and-such sort.” For instance, being fragile
may be thought of as having a property that bestows a certain subset of
a causal role.
With the disjunctive and higher-order views, though, a natural
question may arise: wherein does motivation to endorse token identity
lie? Answer: such views are notoriously difficult to square with the
causal individuation of properties. Both higher-order and disjunctive
properties appear entirely sterile: their causal powers seem preempted
or excluded by the categorical properties that base them. And by the
Eleatic principle, sterile properties are properties only in an abundant
But by identifying tokens—so the story goes—dispositions appear
powerful again (see Shoemaker 2013, 46).
If only dispositional types are shown to be sterile, what of it? It is
property tokens that are standardly taken to be causally efficacious in
any case (Campbell
1990). With identities maintained between token dispositions
and their token categorical bases, no exclusion or preemption is
achieved. And thus against the charge of inefficacy the identity
theorist is in the clear.
But the Causal Identity Principle applies to types,
not tokens. And the token retreat identifies tokens, not types. So how
is identification to be achieved? Whilst properties are individuated in
terms of their causal roles, property instances are typically not. There
are, rather, two competing views on their individuation. According to
the first property instances are individuated spatiotemporally.
For instance, Schaffer (2001) argues that two property instances
\(Px\), \(P'y\) are the same property instance
just in case \(Px\) and \(P'y\) are compresent and maximally
resemble. Alternatively, tokens may be taken to admit of brute
This debate, though, largely takes place amongst those who embrace
tropes, on whom there is an onus to provide individuation. With that in
mind, there seems no reason why the friend of universals cannot maintain
that property instances admit of causal individuation. Property
instances do bestow causal roles: token causal roles. A token causal
role is obtained by restriction. We look not at the set of cases of
causal contributions of the property across all instantiations, but only
given some particular instantiation. For example, we might look at the
set of cases of causal contributions this heat from this
very stove might confer.
But whilst appeal to causal roles may be necessary to
individuate property instances it cannot be sufficient. For we
must exclude scattered instances, such as a property instance of “red”
belonging to both a ruby and a rose, and distinguish distinct property
instances borne by the same object at distinct times, such as the
distinct greens of a chameleon’s skin before and after changing to a
vibrant orange. None of this is troublesome. We must simply provide two
supplements. The first is that the instances are coinstantiated
(i.e., borne by the same object), the second that they are
concurrent (i.e., instantiated at the same time). Putting all
of this together, we have the following criterion of property instance
Causal Roles. Two
property instances \(Px\), \(P'y\), are the same property instance
just in case \(x=y\), \(Px\) is concurrent with \(P'y\), and \(Px\) and \(P'y\) bestow the same token causal role
With that to hand, an argument to the token identity theory can be
run. Here it is:
(1) For all \(Dx\), \(Dx\) bestows some token causal role \(R\).
(2) For all \(Dx\) there exists some \(Cx\), such that \(Cx\) is concurrent with \(Dx\) and \(Cx\) bestows \(R\).
(3) If \(Dx\) is concurrent with \(Cx\) and both \(Cx\) and \(Dx\) bestow \(R\), then \(Dx =
(C) For all \(Dx\), there exists some \(Cx\), such that \(Dx = Cx\).
As before, the first two premises are vulnerable to attack. It has
been argued that both are false, as property instances are not causally
efficacious (Steward
1997). And if some dispositions have no categorical grounds,
the second premise faces the same threat. But again, permit me to set
these worries to one side. In what remains of this paper I will argue
that the token retreat is ill-motivated. And that is because problematic
multiple realisation is not a distinctively type-type
phenomenon. There is problematic multiple realisation at the token
level. The upshot is: if one is worried about multiple realisation,
retreat to the token level is dialectically inert.
Plural Realisation
Some dispositional properties are not based by a unique token of any
causally efficacious property. I call these plurally realised
dispositions. Plural realisation should be contrasted with
Variable Realisation. A property \(P\) is variably realised just in case there
exists an entity \(x\), such that \(Px\) at \(t_1\) and \(t_2\), and the causal basis for \(Px\) at \(t_1\) is \(C_1\), but the causal basis for \(Px\) at \(t_2\) is \(C_2\), such that \(C_1 \neq C_2\).
Variably realised properties are well discussed (see Horgan 1993; Endicott 1993;
2002). Pereboom (2002)
considers the realisation of a statue by distinct lumps of clay across
time, whilst Hurley and Noë (2003)
consider cases of neural plasticity where mental properties are based by
changing neurological complexes. Similar cases are constructible for
patently dispositional properties. Consider a vial containing the
poisonous chemical DEATH\(_1\). Now let
DEATH\(_1\) decompose into DEATH\(_2\) from \(t_1\) to \(t_2\). In such a case, the deadly
disposition is variably realised across time.
How troublesome is variable realisation for one who takes the token
retreat? Quite, though non-fatal. The purported worry is that the
persistence conditions of the properties come apart from those of the
bases. But time-indexing the identity relation is the standard
counter-move (see Heil 2011, 44; Campbell 1990,
140; and Wilson 2011, 141). Property tokens exist
only at one moment, and so their identities hold only at one instant.
DEATH\(_1\) is identical to the
poisonousness at \(t_1\), and
DEATH\(_2\) to the poisonousness at
\(t_2\), but \(x\)’s poisonousness at \(t_1 \neq x\)’s poisonousness at \(t_2\). And without token persistence, no
transitivity can be exploited. The upshot is: arguments from variable
realisation lose their bite.
Not all will agree (see Shoemaker 2007, 3, n.3). But even if one
accepts property instance persistence, retreaters to token identity are
still liable to balk. That properties maintain their identity through
time does not rule out that in cases of variable realisation one
property is lost, another gained. Consider a pill \(x\) composed of both some benign mixture
and DEATH\(_1\). Now remove the
DEATH\(_1\)—\(x\) will lose its token disposition. Now
consider \(x\) with the DEATH\(_1\) removed and add to it DEATH\(_2\). A token disposition (assuming no
reactions take place) will be gained: it will become poisonous. Now put
the cases together: let DEATH\(_1\) and
DEATH\(_2\) be exchanged. Why should
matters change? One token disposition should be lost, another gained.
The identity theorist will maintain that no disposition outlasts the
persistence of its base. Even granted that tokens persist, in cases of
variable realisation it may be argued that the persistence conditions of
disposition and base do not come apart.
But there are cases that cannot be so readily dispensed with. And
that is because such cases involve intra-object multiple
realisation accompanied by no change in properties. I called
Realisation. A
property \(P\) is plurally realised
just in case there exists an entity \(x\), such that \(Px\), and \(Px\) has two causal bases, \(C_1\), \(C_2\), such that \(C_1 \neq C_2\).
Plurally realised properties are ones which have more than one causal
basis in the same object at the same time. For clarity, we should make a
(non-exclusive) distinction between properties that are wholly
plurally based, and those that are partially plurally based.
Consider a lighter’s disposition to ignite once sparked. This
disposition is based by both the fuel, the flint, and the sparker all at
once. But each of these is individually insufficient to base the
disposition. It is therefore partially but not wholly plurally
based. If the disposition is to manifest, the three bases must act
holus bolus.
A property is wholly plurally realised, in contrast, when it has two
or more distinct sufficient causal bases. Consider Mackie:
Even in the same material, the same disposition may have more than
one ground. A piece of cloth may absorb water in two ways, by the water
being taken into the individual fibres and by its being held in spaces
between the fibres: its absorbency then has two different bases, the
molecular structure of the fibres and the larger-scale structure in
which those fibres are spun and woven. (1973, 148)
For another example, cigarette smoke has the disposition to damage
the lungs once inhaled, but that disposition is based distinctly by a
wide variety of chemicals present in the smoke’s composition. In fact,
cases are constructible with the following straightforward recipe.
First, take two cases of distinct realisation, where the
properties are capable of being coinstantiated. Perhaps a poisonous vial
\(y\) of DEATH\(_1\), and a distinct poisonous vial \(z\) of DEATH\(_2\). Next, simply coinstantiate the
properties, as in:
Overkill. A vial of poison \(x\) contains two deadly chemicals
DEATH\(_1\) and DEATH\(_2\). Because of this \(x\) has the disposition to kill when
And voilá! A case of token multiple realisation has been
constructed. In Overkill the mixture’s poisonousness is
based twice-over in the same object. As such the disposition is multiply
realised at the token level. And, as I will now show, plurally realised
dispositions with distinct whole bases, such as the vial’s poisonousness
in Overkill, are as problematic for the token
identity theorist as distinctly realised dispositions are for the type
identity theorist.
The argument now begins. From the existence of plural realisation,
the right-to-left of Token Causal Roles, and the transitivity of
identity, a formally analogous reductio may be run. It takes
the following form:
(A5) If \(Px\) and \(P'x\) are concurrent and bestow the
same token causal role \(R\), then
\(Px = P'x\).
(A6) \(Dx\) and \(C_1x\) are concurrent and bestow \(R\).
(A7) \(Dx\) and \(C_2x\) are concurrent and bestow \(R\).
(A8) \(C_1x \neq C_2x\)
(5) \(Dx =
C_1x\quad\) (A5, A6)
(6) \(Dx =
C_2x\quad\) (A5, A7)
(7) \(C_1x
= C_2x\quad\) (5, 6, transitivity of ‘\(=\)’)
(8) \((C_1x = C_2x)\wedge (C_1x \neq C_2x)\quad\)
(A8, 7)
Again we’ll walk it through. We start with the right-to-left of Token
Causal Roles (A5). Then we note that
\(x\)’s poisonousness is concurrent
with \(x\)’s being composed of
DEATH\(_1\), and both occupy the same
token causal role (A6). Next we note that \(x\)’s poisonousness is concurrent with
\(x\)’s being composed of DEATH\(_2\), and both occupy the same token causal
role (A7). Finally, we know that DEATH\(_1 \neq\) DEATH\(_2\) (A8). It follows
that \(x\)’s poisonousness \(=\) DEATH\(_1\) (5). But it
also follows that \(x\)’s poisonousness
\(=\) DEATH\(_2\) (6). By the
transitivity of identity, DEATH\(_1=\)
DEATH\(_2\) (7). Absurdity is again revealed: we have generated
a contradiction (8).
Crucially, the contradiction is derived from premises that involve
token, not type identifications.
Responses and Replies
I have argued that the token retreat offers no solace from the
problem of multiple realisability. How might the token identity theorist
respond? In what remains I consider three responses. My strategy for
dealing with them is as follows. I will argue that each faces an
unpalatable disjunction: either (1) that response can be shown to fail,
or (2) is available at the level of types.
The upshot of (1) is that multiple realisation has not been avoided. The
upshot of (2) is that the token retreat is robbed of its dialectical
The first, and no doubt the most natural response, is that
the basis in Overkill is complex. It may be thought, for
example, that the disposition is identical to the conjunctional property
(DEATH\(_1\) & DEATH\(_2\)). Why so? One reason
would be that both DEATH\(_1\) and
DEATH\(_2\) share the dirty work when
the poisonousness manifests. They together occupy the relevant
token causal role. They are causally efficacious both at once.
This line of thought is convincing, but misleadingly so. It seems to
have force due to the mistaken assumption that the total causal role
bestowed by the disposition must be identical to that bestowed by the
conjunction of the chemicals. The assumption is false: there are some
plurally realised dispositions where the conjunction of that
disposition’s bases bears a distinct token causal role from the
disposition itself.
Consider what we may call disjunctively realised
dispositions. A disposition \(Dx\) is
disjunctively realised just in case it has two bases \(C_1x\), \(C_2x\), such that the manifestations of
\(Dx\) in some cases occur in virtue of
\(C_1x\), and not \(C_2x\), in other cases in virtue of \(C_2x\) and not \(C_1x\), and in all other cases (if any
remain) by (\(C_1x\) & \(C_2x\)). Disjunctive realisation is
possible because distinct bases of the same dispositional property may
differ in their conditions of masking, i.e., the conditions
under which the basis is rendered inefficacious (see Bird 2007, 39).
For example, suppose that some humans are perfectly resistant to
DEATH\(_1\) but not DEATH\(_2\), whilst others are perfectly resistant
to DEATH\(_2\) but not DEATH\(_1\). Now consider:
Resistance-1. Jones ingests \(x\). Jones is perfectly resistant to
DEATH\(_1\). Unfortunately Jones is not
at all resistant to DEATH\(_2\), and
thus as a result of ingesting \(x\)
Jones dies.
Resistance-2. Smith ingests \(x\). Smith is perfectly resistant to
DEATH\(_2\). Unfortunately, Smith is
not at all resistant to DEATH\(_1\),
and thus as a result of ingesting \(x\)
Smith dies.
Suppose, as our responder would have us believe, that in Resistance-1 and Resistance-2 the
vial’s poisonousness is identical to the conjunctional property
(DEATH\(_1\) & DEATH\(_2\)). From this we may show what we know
to be false: that both chemicals are causally efficacious in the death
of Smith and the death of Jones.
The conclusion is a consequence of two principles. The first is a
straightforward consequence of Token Causal
Roles. I call this the
Identity of Causes. If \(Px\) bestows a causal contribution \(c\) in \(\alpha\), and \(Px=P'x\), then \(P'x\) bestows \(c\) in \(\alpha\).
The principle follows because token causal roles are sets of possible
causal contributions. If two properties share causal roles they must
share all of their possible causal contributions. So if a property
bestows a causal contribution \(c\),
and is identical to some other property, that other property must also
bestow \(c\).
The second is not a consequence of Token Causal
Roles but is independently plausible. I call this
Conjunctional Causes. If (\(Px\mathbin{\&}P'x\)) bestows a
causal contribution \(c\) in \(\alpha\), then \(Px\) bestows part of \(c\) in \(\alpha\) and \(P'x\) bestows part of \(c\) in \(\alpha\).
This principle simply states that whenever a conjunctional property
bestows a causal contribution \(c\)
both conjuncts bestow some part of \(c\). My reasons for accepting Token
Causal Roles are broadly Eleatic. We should accept that a
conjunctional property bestowed a contribution only if both conjuncts
had some causal stake in the game. Consider an object \(o\) with two properties: \(o\) is round and red. Now suppose the
conjunction of the two properties is causally efficacious in some case
\(\alpha\), perhaps by contributing to
the opening of a door that has been designed to open only in the
presence of round and red objects. Now in such a case we should say,
given that the conjunctional property bestows a causal contribution,
each of the conjuncts bestows some part of that causal contribution. In
contrast, now suppose the door is primed only to open in the presence of
red objects, no matter their shape. If the roundness makes no causal
contribution to its opening in \(\alpha\), then the conjunction of its
roundness and redness does not bestow a causal contribution in
\(\alpha\). The causal contribution is
bestowed merely from one conjunct.
We are now in a position to reject the response. For suppose, as the
respondent has claimed, that the vial’s poisonousness is identical to
the conjunctional property (DEATH\(_1\)
& DEATH\(_2\)). Since the vial’s
poisonousness is causally efficacious in both cases, by Conjunctional
Causes it follows that both DEATH\(_1\) bestows a causal contribution to the
death of Jones, and DEATH\(_2\) bestows
a causal contribution to the death of Smith. But ex hypothesi
Jones is perfectly resistant to DEATH\(_1\), and Smith to DEATH\(_2\), thus the chemicals do not
bestow the relevant causal contributions. We have proven what we know to
be false. The reply must be denied.
Conjunctional won’t work; might disjunctional do the trick? Not
obviously, for even setting aside the shameful status of disjunctive
properties, the problem of causal exclusion re-arises (see
Putnam 1967;
1978; Lewis
1986; Kim
1992; Shoemaker 2007; and Audi
2013). Just as with disjunctive types
disjunctive tokens have nothing to contribute: their contributions are
given by their disjuncts alone. And without causal efficacy no
identification can be achieved, at least not by appeal to sameness of
causal role.
And worse still, once disjunctive tokens have been admitted
motivation to move to the token level is lost. For if one is prepared to
accept disjunctive tokens, why not disjunctive types? If one is content
to retreat to the disjunctive in the face of plural
realisation, why not in the face of distinct realisation?
Simply put: to maintain disjunctive tokens whilst denying disjunctive
types creates a dissonance entirely unwarranted by the presence of
multiple realisability.
The second response is that we should say that in Overkill there are two or more distinct
tokens of the same dispositional type. This results in a commitment to
what Armstrong (1978,
86) has called piling (see also Schaffer 2004). Two property instances
are piled just in case they (1) are of the same type and (2) are
compresent (i.e., instantiated in the same object at the same time).
Piling is standardly taken to be a serious bullet to bite. Those who
embrace it do so tentatively, in accord only with the Eleatic
Fortunately enough we may dodge the issue entirely. Consider again
the vial containing the deadly chemicals. Could the vial’s deadliness be
piled? Not if the piled dispositions are identified with the distinct
chemicals. This is due to what we may call the
of Identicals. If
\(P=P'\), then \(P\) stands in some relation \(R\) iff \(P'\) stands in \(R\).
Since piling is a relation amongst properties, if there are two piled
dispositions of the same type, one based by DEATH\(_1\) and the other by DEATH\(_2\), it should follow that DEATH\(_1\) and DEATH\(_2\) are piled. But the chemicals are
not piled—they are of distinct types. By modus
tollens, then, it cannot be said that the dispositions are of the
same type.
The third response is that disjunctive realisation involves
multiple property instances of distinct types. Perhaps in Overkill the mixture has two distinct
dispositions (one identical to DEATH\(_1\), the other to DEATH\(_2\)) or even three (the third being
identical to the conjunction of the two). In response I offer an
argument designed to show that there are at least some disjunctively
realising bases that genuinely do base the same disposition. It runs as
The first premise is that dispositions are wholly individuated by
their manifestations. Flammability is distinct from
elasticity because flammability makes objects burn whilst
elasticity makes objects reversibly deform.
The second premise is that plurally realised properties may bear
bases that differ with respect to their masking conditions, but not with
respect to their manifestations. This is possible because two distinct
properties may share a subset of their causal role relevant to the
manifestation of some disposition, whilst bearing a distinct subset
relevant to their masking.
Perhaps the most vivid examples may be found not in deadly chemicals,
but in deadly bacteria. E. coli (Escherichia coli) has a number
of pathogenic strains including the shiga-toxin producing O104:H4. Like
other co-evolved bacteria, E. coli strains change their properties of
resistance over time—and thus the conditions under which their deadly
disposition is masked. This may be done in several distinct ways:
bacteria may develop the capacity to “pump out” or neutralise
antibiotics, or they may produce subtle changes in their binding sites.
Consider now a vial containing several shiga-toxin producing strains
that base a deadly disposition. The manifestations of the
various strains may be identical (i.e., perfectly similar)—and thus by
the criterion of manifestation individuation the vial has only one
deadly disposition. Nevertheless, the masking conditions of the
individual strains may vary.
The conclusion is that some distinct disjunctively realisable
properties base the very same dispositional property.
I anticipate one final worry. Perhaps one will hold that dispositions
are individuated in part by their stimulus conditions, and are thus of a
finer grain (Martin 2008,
89–91). This would make the first premise false. In which
case there will be two tokens of distinct types even in the case of E.
coli. But to this worry I say: now you have liberalised your ontology
with properties of a finer grain why take the token retreat at
all? The dissonance faced by the proponent of disjunctive tokens
re-emerges: if one accepts distinct properties intra-object,
why not inter-object also? If one chooses to fine-grain
dispositional property instances to avoid plural realisation,
why not fine-grain dispositional types to avoid distinct
realisation? If the properties are of a finer grain, and hence distinct,
there is no need to move from type to token identifications, since the
response holds mutatis mutandis for the proponent of the type
identity theory. To maintain the retreat one must offer an independent
reason not to fine-grain dispositional types. The point I am making is
not that such reasons cannot be given. My point is that if there are
reasons, multiple realisation is not amongst them.
In conclusion, I have argued that the token retreat offers no solace
from the problem of multiple realisability. Whilst it may avoid
distinct realisation, it cannot avoid plural
realisation. Whilst there are responses to the latter that are not
available to the former, each of those responses fails. The upshot is:
there is no relevant difference between these types of multiple
realisation vis-à-vis the identification of dispositions and
their categorical bases. And as such, no ground is made by moving from
the type to the token level.
Many thanks to Alexander Bird, Leia Hopf, Markku Keinänen, Geoff
Keeling, Arsham Nejad Kourki, Jason Konek, Maria Lasonen-Aarnio,
Carlotta Pavese, Alexander Skiles, Susanna Siegel, Tuomas Tahko, and
audiences at Bristol, Gothenburg, Novarra and Helsinki for helpful
comments and discussion on earlier drafts. Thanks also to three
anonymous referees who greatly improved the paper. This research was
supported by European Research Council Horizon 2020 grant number