Questions? We have answers.


Where can I Subscribe to the Portal Newsletter?

You can subscribe to our newsletter here: http://eepurl.com/hVZguP. We do not send it out more than once a month (often much more rarely), so you should not be spammed. On the subscription form, you may also provide some information about you and your interests. 

Please find more information here (also in German, French and Italian).

How can I Create a Profile on Philosophie.ch?

We have created a lot of profiles already. If yours is not among them, please tell us (and also indicate whether you'd like a personal or institutional profile). We'll then create it, tell you and then it's up to you to fill it.

Please find more information here.

How can I Contribute to the Portal?

Who are You?

We are an association (under Swiss Law), with members, statutes (in German, French and Italian), a comittee of directors and an annual general assembly. We are also a team of collaborators, working together in an office in Biel/Bienne. Area editors help us procure content for the journal, the Dialectica flipping initiative to become an Open Access publisher and the Dialectica Editorial Committee picks the articles to publish in Dialectica. Our patronage committee supports us ideally and maintains our close links to the Swiss universities. 

A lot of people have worked for the portal throughout its long history

A list and presentation of our activities can be found here.

Please find more information here (also in German, French and Italian).

Interested in the History of Swiss Philosophy?

So are we! We are trying to collect information of all kinds, but especially regarding Swiss Philosophy and its history, regarding tenures, teachings, publications, research projects etc. If you know something, say it on the Google-Doc created for that purpose. 

How can I Announce Events, Advertise Jobs, Distribute Calls for Papers?

See to it that you have an institutional profile and then create an information page, providing as much information as possible. Then create an event for our event calendar: the spatio-temporal location for an event, the deadline for a job opening or a CfP. 

How do I Tell You (and others) what I'm Doing?

Write us an email. If your activity fits into a page that already exists, please indicate which one. Make sure that you have a profile and it's up-to-date. If you'd like to have something included in the newsletter, an announcement to be made on the "what is new" pages (in English, German, French or Italian) or some other marketing idea, please provide us with the text (phrased objectively).

How do I Publish Open Access?

All articles on the portal are published under a CC-licence. As a publisher, our association publishes the scientific journal Dialectica Open Access, having "flipped" it during the last couple of years, and Open Access books within the "Dialectica Library" series

If you want to protect your work from plagiarism and have it Open Access published

Please find more information here (also in German, French and Italian).

How do I Join?

At any time, you are always welcome to contribute in any way. If you would like to be associated with the portal in some more formal way, consider becoming a member, an area editor, a project leader, an intern or a collaborator

If you are an organisation, you may become a "friend" or enter into a collaboration, be a partner or a founder

How do I Share Teaching Materials?

If you are teaching philosophy, be it to children, adolescents, students or (other) adults, we would like to encourage you to share the material you are using and your experiences with it. We try to expand our portal sections on teaching material in German, French and Italian and have pages on textbooks for high-schools (in German, French and Italian). We're also intersted in the didactics of philosophy (fr / de / it). If you're willing to offer your help, please let us know.

How do I Complain?

If you have a complaint to make about a page assigned to an author (an article or an information page), please contact them directly, unless the complaint concerns our editorial policy: the content attributed to authors is theirs and their responsibility. If you have any other complaint, write to us.

How do I Use Your Content?

Our content is published under a CC-Licence, that is: freely distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License (CC-BY).  This means: 

  • Authors retain full copyright over their work.
  • Portal contents can be shared in any medium or format and reused or modified for any purpose, provided credit is properly attributed and any modification is made explicit.

More information here (external link). 

What About Social Media?

Well, what about them? We're - more or less painfully - aware of the fact that our social media presence is rudimentary. This is only in part due to our lack of specific competences, but mostly due to the fact that we have not yet figured out how to do and present philosophy in the respective formats. If you know something or are willing to help, please tell us.

How Do I Get to Study in Switzerland?

We do not know and cannot tell. Immatriculation requirements differ from university to university, and we only have very limited advice to offer, concerning which university to choose. Generally, immatriculation fees are low, but also there is no money to get (and, as a non-(permanent resident), you are allowed to work for money on the side only in a quite limited way). Ask universities directly. We will not answer any emails on this topic, sorry.