How to Post

Provide Information on Your Activities

After a long and tedious journey, involving the clean-up of hundreds of pages and the rehaul of our IT infrastructure, we're happy to announce that the philosophy portal is "open for business" again!

As an important part of our manifold activities, we aim to provide an up-to-date overview of what we call the "philosophical microcosm" of Switzerland, not just in English, but in French, German and Italian as well. This means that we 

  • present the main actors ("presentation pages"), their activities and, if possible, a bit of their history, in an objective, descriptive, generally accessible way, based on publicly available information and information that is given to us for this purpose;
  • create for these actors "institutional profiles", which allow them to provide information themselves, links to their websites, and to administer their contributions (information pages and event announcements);
  • offer the opportunity to create "information pages", pages authored in the name of the institution or group, used in order to announce events, but also to provide information about lecture series, study programs, regular colloquia, special offers and initiatives etc.

The "institutional profiles" concern those entities that organise or host events (not just universities and societies, but also research groups, associations, places, museums, cabinets, etc.). Once logged in, an institutional profile allows you to change the profile information, create information pages, and announce events.

For each organisation, we use either the organisational email or the email of a contact person, if we have it. If you'd like to change the contact person's email, please contact our portal manager Simone Olivadoti (

We do not care if several people use the same institutional profile (though do not forget to inform them if you ask us to reset the password). Institutional profiles are often nested: in addition to the account of the philosophy department, the University of Geneva for example also has research groups, reading groups, chairs, projects and societies. In these cases, we let you decide who is responsible: the eidos seminar, for example, is best announced by the eidos coordinator, while job offers should be posted in the name of the department... 

Presentation pages on the Portal

For each institutional profile, we aim to have a presentation page that complements the information found on the profile.  The presentation page should present your organisation or institution, in a descriptive and "objective" manner if possible, and link to your own pages and websites. The presentation page is done by us, does not have an author and is also visible on the institutional profile. If you find incomplete or outdated information, or would like to have something added or changed, please let us know

We distinguish between information and presentation pages. Information pages are "yours", presentation pages are "ours". We create presentation pages to present your institution or organisation by using the information we find. If you are unhappy with it, you may always create additional information pages that complement the information found about you on the portal.

You can find the presentation page under your profile. If you're unhappy with it or willing to provide some additional content, please let us know by contacting our portal content manager, Simone Olivadoti, at (French, Italian, German or English). Notice that he can also help you complete the information pages that already exist, or to create other additional institutional profiles.

Information Pages

Information pages are created by you under "new page", with a slug (= urlname) chosen by yourself. Note that the urlname has to be unique among all of the pages of the portal and should not contain special characters except for dashes. Good urlnames are, for example: "thumos-seminar-2024", "ratio-calendar-2023-2024" or "philosophische-buecher-lesen". For job offers and events, please add a date to the urlname, 

  • for job offers, the date of the application deadline (YYYY-MM-DD) + login (the username of the institutional profile, e.g.: “unige”)
  • for events, date of first day (YYYY-MM-DD) + login

Information pages provide information about conferences, talks, colloquia, series of talks or group of events. Please use different blocks for different thematic unities, e.g. one block per session of a graduate colloquium.

You are free to choose your language. Note that a page may also be multi-lingual, and may include the same information in different languages.

Please provide as much and as detailed information as possible. Information pages should be lasting records and documentations of what has happened philosophically in Switizerland. For a conference, for example, the life-cycle of an information page could look as follows:

  • a first announcement is made, with the general theme, some of the invited speakers, and a call for contributions, included separately in the agenda;
  • once the programme is fixed, this information is updated, the schedule is added for each day, links to the profiles of speakers and organisers are set; for interesting and important conferences, we may include a link to this in our newsletter, on the "news" pages of the portal; portal users may react to this information by leaving comments on the page;
  • at the conference, some pictures are taken, abstracts distributed, titles changed and discussions held; from our perspective, it is good if as much as possible of this is added to the page, turning it into an ongoing documentation of what is happening;
  • after the conference, some more information may be added, e.g. links to portal articles that continue the discussion, replies to such articles, further information about related conferences etc. 

Such an information page can subsequently be used in scientific reports, documentation for funding bodies, CVs and announcements of other events.

Information blocks have an intro picture, which is shown on the page and on the tiles appearing on the landing pages. This is prefilled with the logo of your institution, but you are very welcome to add a more specific picture, e.g. the poster of your conference (preferably in .png format).

Information pages can be linked to the events calendar: you can post events there adding a so-called "event block" to your information page, providing three items of information:

  • Title: short title, for talks prefixed by the name of the speaker (just the name, without affiliations et al.)
  • City: meant in a broad sense, of "region" - events in Carouge for example should go under "Geneva"
  • Date: just one day, no time information

For events that last several days, create different event blocks for each day. The events will appear in the agenda on respective days, with a link to the relevant event block on your information page. 

Information pages are attributed to the organisation and can be edited by whoever has the login data - the information provided (including pictures, videos etc.) is published under a CC-licence and attributed to your organisation as its author.

Once that you've created an information page, then it will appear under "my contributions to" in your profile and also on our landing page. Events created will be listed on the profile and appear in the agenda.

Events can be changed and deleted by "Manage my events" on the institutional profile page, information pages can be copied and edited, but not deleted, by "Manage my pages". If you have created an information page in error and want to delete it, please let us know

Keep It Tidy

Please do not

  • just insert a pdf if it's a short document with internal structure (such as a job advertisement)
  • just copy/paste your Microsoft Word document, preserving its formatting

If you copy/paste, place different sections into different text blocks and add title blocks in between. Copy/paste without the formatting, or remove it in the text block, then adding it manually. 

Use formatting, bullet lists and other gimmicks sparingly - portal pages look best as "just text", possibly with links, especially on smartphones. 

How to post an information page ?

First step : page creation form

  • Click on "login" on the top right of the page.
  • Insert your username ("login") and password.
  • Once logged in, click on the pencil. Click on "New page".

Second step : Add main text

  • Instet a urlname for your information page
  • Insert a title and a generic pre-title ("pre-headline")
  • Upload a cover image 
  • Insert a lead text

Step Three : Adding Blocks

  • Click on "add block" to create content. Please structure your article into sections, subsections, etc. and put all title elements in "title" and "subtitle" blocks.
  • Click on "Event" to add, on the left, the description of an event, that will be seen in the page, and on the right, information about the event (title, city, date) that will be visible in the calendar. The event in the calendar will be then automatically linked back to this Event block.
  • Notice that you can add only one PDF, audio or video for each article that you submit.

Step Four : Submitting your information page

  • Click on "submit". Your information page will be published live.

Problems / Questions?

If you have problems posting on the portal, please write to our webmaster and IT engineer Luis Bordo at (French, Spanish, Italian or English).